I have a fairly successful brand that just didn’t get the right start with branding. I have a logo but I hate it so much. My main issue is I have several very popular sold out products and one currently still being sold that customers use daily with the logo on it. I want to change my branding, get a new logo, and revamp things so badly. Any advice on how to properly do this? My current logo just doesn’t reflect the brand now I’d like.

  • ijustwantafood@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    I guess I should clarify. I only want to change the logo. When I first started the brand I didn’t give it an identity other than the name and logo. We didn’t have colors, didn’t have a font, no set aesthetic, it was and has continued to be all over the place. I want to change that now! I want to have a brand identity. But I feel like that needs to start with a new logo that will represent the brand better.

    These brands are not where my brand is at all, but for a comparison because these brands sweatshirts and logo’d apparel and designs are so common: Imagine if Supreme Changed their logo Imagine if gap changed their logo Imagine if lululemon changed their logo Imagine if Chanel, LV, YSL changed their logo All of the bags, sweatshirts, leggings, tops, etc … that have these logos on them currently… should they stress out about how the people who own these things would feel?

    One of my best sellers is our handbags and backpacks which have our logo on them. The logo is the main thing I want to change though. We also have shirts but I’m not too worried about changing that. It’s the handbags and backpacks that already exist and people use on a daily basis that I’m worried about. Also we have hoodies that so many people wear with our logo, so I suppose I almost just feel bad. But I know a new logo will reflect the brand so much better and help attract our target audience as well

  • Hopeful_Pea2877@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    First question is what product are you selling, you may want to change your logo while maintaining the existence of the product on market Rebranding comes with costs of running marketing campaigns about the change.

  • gc1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is an entire discipline, and you can spend accordingly. For what it’s worth, your brand is not just your logo. It’s your meaning to people who interact with you – in your logo, yes, but also your colors, fonts, voice, tone, taglines, ad creatives, social media presence, and so on. It should be reflected throughout your websites/apps and product experiences.

    An agency can help you navigate all this, and a good one with start with brand strategy - ie, who is your target customer, and what is your promise to them. Getting advice or hands-on help from a marketing person who has led this process before could be very helpful to you, even if you do end up hiring an agency. Otherwise you’ll just end up with a deck.

  • HereticGaming16@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Not sure if this helps in your industry but my SO works in hotels. First thing she does is update the product aka the rooms. Next she a Brand Deck. This is the over all look of what people see when they are looking for your product. Basically changes the look of the name, colors, advertisements, the way you address the customers. Basically anything your customers see gets tweaked over time. Could be a few weeks or months depending on how rapidly your customers see it. If repeat costumers buy the product daily it’s fairly fast, if it’s 2 times a year than slower. Lastly once people start to get use to the new look, if needed, the name will change. Normally something like “Beach Front Hotel” smaller words underneath “A Great Spot Hotel*. This gets people seeing the new name associated with the old. Once all that’s done it’s switched.

    Again not sure if this helps but I think the idea is slowly letting people know things are changing but it’s still the same great product they are use to.

    On a side note. If you’re rebranding because something happened where you don’t want to be associated with the old brand this probably won’t work.

  • BusinessStrategist@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Forgot to ask.

    Can you be very specific on the business criteria that you are using to make the “fairly successful” statement?

  • QuackedDuckie@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you’re not changing your business name and are just changing the look and feel, figure out what you want it to become first before doing anything else. Hire a professional to help you if you don’t have identity design skills. Even if you do, still consider it since an objective viewpoint will help. Once you know what your new branding is, then you could hype it up before the reveal. Try to get people excited about the change. Reveal it a little at a time as a teaser and then end by unveiling it with your new logo, site design, etc.

    • chamburger@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’ve had problems finding someone to design me a logo, mainly just not knowing where to look. What type of profession do I look up to find a guy to do this?

      • QuackedDuckie@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        A graphic designer or a marketing agency who employs graphic designers. It really depends on your needs and budget which way you go. You’re talking to the former right now. Feel free to DM me details, and if I can’t help, I’d be happy to point you to someone who can.

  • Various-Hamster-3886@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Try introducing your new brand while the old one still exists… If i were in your place I would use the Pareto Principle… Identify the 20% of products that brings in 80% of my revenue and rebrand them… While the 80% of the products that bring in 20% would be under the same old brand name… So that my existing customers don’t feel it’s a complete revamp and it appears more of a smooth transition…

    Assuming you just want to change the logo while the offering and propositions stay the same…

  • ijustwantafood@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    I guess I should clarify. One of my best sellers is our handbags and backpacks which have our logo on them. The logo is the main thing I want to change though. We also have shirts but I’m not too worried about changing that. It’s the handbags and backpacks that already exist and people use on a daily basis that I’m worried about. Also we have hoodies that so many people wear with our logo, so I suppose I almost just feel bad. But I know a new logo will reflect the brand so much better and help attract our target audience as well

  • Mediocre_Bar7315@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I rebranded at the beginning of this year and it’s been for the better, but it was kind of overdue and I’m in a niche of a niche so that was helpful. I took over a friend’s brand in 2020 and it was fine under their name but it was a bit dated and something that didn’t fit me. Everything else was worth it for a while but then it just came down to not being able to market something that was someone else’s style and voice anymore so the change has had more pros than cons.

    There have been some small bummers. Folks don’t pay attention so now I get “I did not sign up for this list” spam reports on Mailchimp here and there. Occasionally folks tag the old name on instagram, but I reclaimed the old handle and just redirected it. Same with the website and I ran a banner all year with the name change call out. We did lose some long time customers, but made up for it with new folks who overlooked the brand entirely before. We probably would have lost them anyway given I just have different design preferences and refocused us a bit more on custom work vs holding as much inventory which is better for me all around, but makes some folks who don’t like change grumpy.

  • thepocketvea@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Rebranding is extremely common and not as scary as you think. Examples would be X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, etc. Invest in a good designer that is able to display the brand that you want to represent during this time in your company’s journey.

  • Nscocean@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly, think hard on this. As Disney always said.

    “Don’t fuck with the duck”

  • Numerous-Ad4715@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It doesn’t matter what you like if the customers are buying it and paying your bills. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  • Practical_Cheetah942@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Updating your logo is one thing. Rebranding is another.

    Do you want a completely different look and feel? Or do you just want to update/modernize/streamline the current one?

    We are in the mist of rebranding - and this is the first time I feel a rebranding will help. Why? The business is 5+ years old and never had a consistent brand, things were slapped together and we just did what felt good. Now the brand and colors are all over the place.

    So in the midst of unifying everything we are asking ourselves what we want our brand to be.

    All of the other times I’ve been a part of a rebrand I’ve felt like it was a huge waste. It was tons of work for marketing, and it gave very little returns.

    So think about how much you actually want to change. Updating and modernizing your logo is fairly easy to do. A whole new rebranding is something else.

    Hope this helps. Open to DM if you have more questions.

    • ijustwantafood@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      This is the exact place I’m in! There is no brand identity. The name I will keep the same, I’m happy with the name. The logo, colors, and identity though are what I want and what needs to change and become solid. My issue is even though the brand is all over the place with it’s aesthetic and identity, I have people who have purchased so many things with our current logo plastered on it.

  • Scentmaestro@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Just do it. Regardless what you believe, there’s no good or bad time to do it. It’s not worth trying to wait till your labels or boxes are almost out befo3 pulling the trigger either. A good brand is invaluable. We’ve gone through numerous rebrand of products and we don’t hesitate when we come to the idea anymore.