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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • Scentmaestro@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFiring employee?
    10 months ago

    More often than not, a bad employee is either a poor hire (hiring manager’s fault), or poorly managed (the manager/owner’s fault). Even lazy people can be coached and pushed to work hard. It just requires adequate direction and boundaries. Allowing phones on the job is rarely a good thing as the temptation to bend the rules to look is so strong, as most people are addicted to their phones. We allow phones for music in an earbud but we have boundaries… They’re not to be on their phones, they’re only to wear one ear bud, and they’re to have the music or whatever at a lower level so we can communicate without having to wait for them to find their phone, open it up, and pause or mute. We’ve made it clear they will lose those privileges if it becom3s a problem so they’re expected to police themselves, and so far we’ve not had issues. One usually pulls her bud out when we talk to her rather than fiddling with her phone, and the others are good with hearing us and communicating with it running in their ear.

    You say the work is monotonous… do they have enough to keep them busy most of the day? Or are there stretches with nothing? Lulls are the worst for keeping people on task. Also, if they’re new and they’re already struggling to stay on task and off their phone it may be that they don’t like the Job or environment so that may be a discussion to have with them also. Maybe they need some modification to their day, or maybe it’s not working out for them but they aren’t quitting yet bc they need the job. If its the latter it’s not your duty to employ them without some form of production until they find something better.

  • They do, but there’s also a good chance this small soaper also wholesales to numerous other retailers under her brand already. Sometimes it’s just about needing to get out of your ego’s way, and not every maker is at that point. At the start, and many makers 5 or 10 years in are still “at the start”, it’s impossible tp fathom someone else taking credit for your work or someone putting different branding on it. The only differences between someone like her and a “manufacturer”, is maybe the sophistication of thr operation and the headspace.

  • Not false. Do the work. Again, not saying you can’t raise prices, but these types go to the raise every time as the easiest way to increase profits or improve cashflow in their business, and it’s at their customer’s expense. That’s not the way to run or build a company. Unless you are a corporate shell and have no soul.

  • I don’t need to read the book; we own and operate numerous product and service based businesses. Internet guru’s say it all the time: just raise your prices. That works if you don’t have repeat customers and someone is coming to you blind, but you can only raise prices on customers so much and so far before they stop buying your product or find a cheaper alternative, ESPECIALLY in times of economic turmoil such as the market were in right now.

    I’m not saying you can’t, but the first look should be at the other levers in the business.

  • Raising price fixes things on paper immediately but it causes more troubles. It’s fine once in a while and in minor increments, but if it becomes more the customer will take notice and possibly go elsewhere. It’s better to work out expenses and COGS and streamlining efficiencies before increasing prices.

  • I’d fire that employee immediately and get on the phone with all of your clients and inform them of this attempted coup, and that you e always valued their business and assure them you’ll be there for all their needs in the future. Come up with some sort of loyalty promo. Then I’d contact any agencies they might try abd find subcontracts through and burn any bridges they’d hope to make. There’s wanting to branch off on one’s own, and then there’s taking a direct shot at your livelihood by stealing IP from you in the way of knowledge and clients and that can’t be tolerated.

  • What is the scam though? So asked if she could DM me, using a different account but these messages start out word for word. Pretty quickly she started sending me pictures of herself unprompted, and pics of books she was reading related to investing. Then she started diving in to questions about crypto mining and when I resisted crypto and said I had zero interest In crypto she ghosted me. I assume she/they were going to try to rope me into some crypto scheme.

  • I’d love to know how you go from 900K in margins to 200K in net profit. Is the 900K gross profit after direct expenses and labour are removed? Either way, it sounds like there’s lots of room for some efficiencies to be worked out, and if you can’t sell it off easily you should consider hiring a COO to run the day to day and whip the company into shape. Finding a proficient management operator shouldn’t be hard; any business can be learned pretty quickly.

  • I’d love to know how you go from 900K in margins to 200K in net profit. Is the 900K gross profit after direct expenses and labour are removed? Either way, it sounds like there’s lots of room for some efficiencies to be worked out, and if you can’t sell it off easily you should consider hiring a COO to run the day to day and whip the company into shape. Finding a proficient management operator shouldn’t be hard; any business can be learned pretty quickly.

  • Sounds like you solved the issue for now. If she comes back and does it again you could just call the city/town permit office and explain the situation. If she travels, I doubt she buys a business license in every area she stops. They’d shut her down and force her to move along quickly. She’s definitely a shit friend if she truly saw nothing wrong with it, and if that’ll stop her from visiting you; the fucking mooch, she is.