After you leave a comment, scammers like u/Hot_Arugula_357 will reach out pretending to seek business guidance and dropping lines about million-dollar opportunities in this subreddit.
Within a few chats, the scammer moved from not being interested in a farm investing business that their purported partner was attempting to coerce them into, to having a long-standing interest, they can’t seem to decide on a lane, lol.


  • Scentmaestro@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What is the scam though? So asked if she could DM me, using a different account but these messages start out word for word. Pretty quickly she started sending me pictures of herself unprompted, and pics of books she was reading related to investing. Then she started diving in to questions about crypto mining and when I resisted crypto and said I had zero interest In crypto she ghosted me. I assume she/they were going to try to rope me into some crypto scheme.