I am what is known as an early adopter, I try all the new shit, I was on Twitter early and got banned for being a Nazi or something when if you said anything anyone disagreed with you were a fascist.

Chat GPT is something that I have been playing with, 3.5 is as dumb as a plank, If OpenAI wanted to convince me that upgrading to 4 was a good idea they would have made 3.5 interesting enough that it was useful for more than creating outlines.

Here are my concerns.
Chat GPT cannot count, it cannot follow instructions and rehashes the same content in numerous areas, I tried writing blogs about photography, web development, carpentry and more. As a brainstorming device it’s good, to get an outline it’s accep[table, but as far as trusting it with creating original content that needs as much effort to edit and fact check as it would take me to do it from scratch anyway.

In the ever changing, fast paced world yadda yadda is one of it’s gotos. I wonder how many people are posting exactly the same AI generated shite, because they can’t be arsed to actually check it.

IT’s a boon for the spam content creator, but for the person serious about his business< I am not convinced, Convince me.

  • rallyts@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    ChatGPT is not “artificial intelligence.” It’s just a glorified search engine and summarized. Ask it a question and it repackages all the information it has but there is no true new idea coming out of it. It turns a lot of information into a Clif Notes version but does not create original thoughts.

  • Quirky_Highlight@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It is powerful for certain things, but for others like you are describing, it falls flat on its face.

    As a language model, it may follow a similar pattern as search where it saw relatively rapid innovation and advancement early on like Google in the early days, and then comes to a point where the average user experience stagnates or even regresses (like Google for the last decade or so). In other words, for some of the most exciting and powerful things it is doing, this may be about as good as it ever gets. Other AIs probably still have a lot of room left for growth though.

    Learning to prompt it better can help as well as learning how it works and what it is really doing.

  • InevitableHat22@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My ChatGPT is really smart. I most often only ask single sentence questions and prompt it to explain in a different way if I don’t understand

  • Healthy-Quarter5388@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you don’t understand how the technology works and criticises it, I’m not sure about ChatGPT being the dumb one…

    • guymclarenza@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Yeah sure, My mate and I who are voracious readers of content, and have both watchen many many videos on prompting, have sat and created long assed prompts trying to specify exactly what we are looking for are wrong about this, we just don’t know how to use it? I took a book that I am writing, asked it to do some specific editing tasks, all it did was give me a synopsis, From 20 paragraphs with mathematics to prove something it gave me three. My prompt was to look for spelling, grammar and mathematical errors in my calculations and it compressed the chapter into three paragraphs instead.

      • techy-will@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        you seem to be assuming your intelligence is being questioned and reacting to that by stating you’re well read… chatGPT is not good at math or logic… it is quite well known, it’s also not great for original content generation which unfortunately should be more known and luckily AI generated content is not accepted in a lot of places, it’s good for brainstorming, initial code drafts, searching something a bit quicker etc and many more things but it’s a model that was fed a lot of data and regurgitates it, expecting more is on you, finding ways to use it in your product is also your creativity.

  • EvilLost@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Not using a tool correctly and then complaining that the tool doesn’t work.


  • captfitz@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Writing effective prompts is a real skill you have to develop, chatgpt won’t give high quality responses otherwise.

    It’s new tech, pay attention as it develops. It’s mostly useful for specific tasks at the moment, but it’s improving in crazy leaps. It may be capable of exactly what you want in just a couple of new versions.

  • peowdk@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m paying for plus, and there’s a few codes to give out for I think a 30 day trial. It does require a linked CC, but they don’t charge during the trial.

    It’s still a bunch of math, but it holds its memory better, it can access the Internet and actually research up to date things, it can handle large amounts of data.

    Heck, you can give it a spreadsheet, pdf or something else and have it work on it, or learn from it.

    If you want, I can pm you a trial code if you’re actually interested in giving it a shot. You still need to tell it what you want. It’s a brainiac with a crazy imagination based on others work. But it’s not a mind reader.

    • guymclarenza@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I have experimented with various prompting techniques, have watched a 100 videos trying to get better at it and have still found it better at ignoring instructions and parsing out crap. I have yet to successfully create a script from ChatGPT 3.5.

      Here is an example of something I did yesterday

      The following paragraphs are the style of writing I want you to use for everything I ask for today, Note the usage of the keyword phrase No limit web design, Do you understand?
      No limit web design in our language is <b>web design created to ensure growth</b>, ensure sales leads are being generated, being available to ensure the success of your companies online marketing efforts. We are not just a supplier, we are part of the team. <b>Our success depends on yours</b>.
      <h2>No limit web design Pretoria North East</h2>
      With No limit web design we not only plan and maintain your web site. We study the analytics, <b>build on successes, tune failures</b> and find new ways to improve the results. No limit web design means a website with no limit on page quantities. If we need another page to get results for another search phrase, we add it, If we need more content, we write it.
      No limit web design means <b>hunting down every possible source of income and leads</b>, building the website content and analysing the results until the goals we are given are met. You give us a budget and that is the limiting factor. We will use your monthly budget to add to the no limit web site, build back links, create content for posting on other sites to build exposure, traffic and awareness.
      You <b>get our full array of skills working in your interest</b>. We will do a fully integrated digital marketing plan and work it with regular reports and listing the successes, the changes, the work to be done, the work done. You will know where we are winning and what needs doing. Our goal is to turbo charge your companies lead generation and sales.
      <h2>No limit web design Pretoria North</h2>
      No limit web design <b>starts with an honest appraisal of the opportunities and barriers to success</b>, We will look at your business, your immediate or local competition and who currently dominates the sector you are wanting to dominate. We will create a plan, create the necessary web properties, find the web properties that will help us succeed in our world domination (OK, local domination) efforts.
      We will look at your social media strategy, decide what it should be and put your company, right where it should be, at the top of the pyramid.
      <h2>No limit web design, Pretoria: Components</h2>
      The main components of no limit web design are your web site, Local optimisation, Analytics, your social media presence, search engine marketing, internet marketing and social media marketing. <b>The fully integrated digital marketing strategy will improve your results</b> from the internet, improving sales and the bottom line.
      No limit web design is about being ready for the search engines and giving them what they want, so they will give us what we want, Local optimisation includes using search engine tools to <b>dominate the local market</b>. Even a national company needs to dominate the local market in every area they are active in, Analytics is studying the results we are getting and using search engine tools to improve those results.
      Certainly, I understand the style you’re looking for, emphasizing the concept of “No limit web design” and its principles. Please feel free to proceed with your questions or requests, and I’ll ensure to incorporate the specified writing style in my responses.
      Thank you. The keyword phrase should be used in headlines, at least once in each of the first three sections and first two paragraphs. Synonyms and alternative keyword ideas should be incorporated further down the page. Do you understand?
      Absolutely, I understand. I will make sure to include the keyword phrase “No limit web design” at least once in each of the first three sections and the first two paragraphs. Additionally, I will incorporate synonyms and alternative keyword ideas as we move further down the content. Please go ahead with your specific questions or topics you’d like to explore.
      I need a 1000 word page with the keyword phrase: Destination wedding photography. Destinations include Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KZN and Gauteng. This should be aimed at couples seeking a destination for their wedding and a photographer to complete the package

      Do you think I got what I asked for even with additional prompting, After three revisions it forgets what you stated in the first place. The article it created included keywords from the style example.

      I asked it for a version for twitter, it gave me 4 paragraphs, I told it that Twitter only allowed 280 characters, I promptly rewrote the same paragraphs in a slightly different format,

      I ask for 150 - 160 character descriptions, it gives me 80 or 240.

      • Sythic_@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Wait you aren’t even using GPT4? Your whole point is invalid. Whaa whaaa credit card. Its $20. If you can’t afford that to upgrade your workflow, why are you even doing the work that you do? If its not worth $20 over a whole month, pennies per hour, how can you even justify waking up in the morning to even do it?

        • guymclarenza@alien.topOPB
          10 months ago

          yeah when you earn dollars its easy to spend them, when you earn Rands its a lot more complex, 1 of your dollars is 20 of my Rands, W#hen budgeting its easy to say it’s only R 400,00 but when there are 10 tools that can each make a marginal difference, that is a weeks earnings down the spout.

          • Sythic_@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Ok thats fine and all but then why write a pointless post about a tool you’re using incorrectly? You’re using 2 years ago tech and complaining it doesn’t meet the expectations you have that you learned from people using today’s tech. Of course it won’t be as good. This stuff has advanced extremely quickly.

          • peowdk@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Go to poe.com, there you can try the gpt 4 free of charge for a few messages, along other premium High capability bots.

            There’s a world difference between 3.5 and 4.

              • peowdk@alien.topB
                10 months ago

                Dude, you literally get to use the bot a few times for free. No subscription. No money out of pocket. Nada.

                Would you like something specific tested though? Reply here or DM and I’ll use mine, I can share the entire conversation for free.

                • guymclarenza@alien.topOPB
                  10 months ago

                  Not Dale or GPT, I’ve been having fun with some of the others. The ones I really want to try are only for subscribers

  • OlayErrryDay@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I get what the OP is saying, the news is telling us Chat GPT is replacing all humans right now when in reality, it sucks as a tool to create content without a human reviewing and editing. It’s not what the news is making it out to be.

    As an assistant to a human, it is life changing and extremely useful. It’s the most useful thing since google came around as a search engine. It’s almost like the next level of search, you tell it what you want and it creates it from its huge knowledge instead of you searching and trying to build the answer yourself.

  • Nuocho@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am a SW developer with 10 years of experience.

    ChatGPT has helped me with numerous tasks including setting up new AWS services I was previously not familiar with and would have needed a cloud expert to set them up with. It also knows everything about complex libraries and helps me read poor documentation and manuals.

    ChatGPT has fixed numerous bugs in my code that would have taken me hours to find. When I’m learning new tech sometimes I don’t understand anything and make stupid mistakes that chatGPT easily spots and also explains helping me learn more.

    ChatGPT in form of copilot constantly suggests me more code to write and radically cuts my development time.

    ChatGPT is superior translating service able to produce fluent text in any language. It is also able to rewrite text you have written yourself in better ways and shoot back ideas on how to rephrase something.

    But sure. It is dumb as planks because you want the first generation AI chatbot to already replace all humans… It’s like saying that Google is stupid and useless tech because you can’t always find what you are looking for behind the first link.

  • Mefilius@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    3.5 is not too great. 4 is a gigantic leap, try that and then report back. If 4 isn’t working for you it’s probably the user not the tool, I can use 4 for a huge amount of things and it can handle very specific instructions.

  • Sythic_@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Chat GPT cannot count

    Its not supposed to. Its a really advanced next word* predictor. Its not actually processing the math you ask it. Its predicting what is the most likely response to your question + the previous words* it wrote and it keeps doing that until it thinks its done. You have to work with that in mind.

    Its great at spitting out mostly useful code thats tedious to write by hand. No idea about other stuff, but it doesn’t do everything. You have to understand its limitations and how to bypass them with prompt generation. Its not about writing longer prompts, its best to provide the most details as possible with the fewest words.

    *Word is a simplification, it actually works with tokens, which are pieces or representations of human readable words.