• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • It is powerful for certain things, but for others like you are describing, it falls flat on its face.

    As a language model, it may follow a similar pattern as search where it saw relatively rapid innovation and advancement early on like Google in the early days, and then comes to a point where the average user experience stagnates or even regresses (like Google for the last decade or so). In other words, for some of the most exciting and powerful things it is doing, this may be about as good as it ever gets. Other AIs probably still have a lot of room left for growth though.

    Learning to prompt it better can help as well as learning how it works and what it is really doing.

  • Standing down and letting people engage with your space/wares and then fully but casually engaging is indeed a sales strategy that can be appropriate for this environment and can create significant sales and customer goodwill.

    It’s probably not a great strategy for every personality type, but sales people with external feeling (Meyers Briggs) can sometimes pull it off with significant results creating not just immediate sales, but also initiating a long term customer relationship.

  • Yeah it was my daughter who filled me in on my ADHD. I haven’t sought out a formal diagnosis since I don’t wish to seek treatment. Even though I have very definite symptoms, I was a good student and atypical in certain ways that let It go undetected.

    When I started carnivore I gained a lot of mental clarity but the ADHD didn’t actually feel better since having a faster and better brain doesn’t always equal a more organized brain. About the 6 month mark it all started to even out and feels more like a superpower than a disability now. Currently I’m at 8+ months carnivore/ketovore.

    Even though our paths have been different your story sounded so much like mine…

  • A few things.

    1. It sounds like your idea, skills, and ability to execute are spot on. I don’t see an issue with rebranding as you describe.

    2. I would be really surprised if you don’t have adult ADHD inattentive or combined type. If you haven’t thought about it, spend a morning researching it and learn to work with how your brain works. If you want medication, in the US, you would have to get a formal diagnosis.

    3. We are a similar age and most of us get a metabolic/energy breakdown at middle age. IMHO this is especially problematic for people who have genetic ADHD as it seems to require a lot of energy for our brains and bodies to work properly. Personally I went on a low carb/keto/carnivore way of eating, and it has transformed my life and now the ADHD feels less like a disability and more like a superpower and my physical energy and strength is 100% better too.

    I have had tons of business ideas through the years, and even in retrospect, none of them were unworkable or bad. My problem in making them work is always getting into a place in life and state of mind where I can focus and see it through.

  • If you are in the US, the idea is almost certainly fated to die on the vine due to forced compliance with federal food safety regulations that were written to apply to a completely different style of growing.

    I’m not going to call it impossible if you have limitless energy and money, but IMO, that is the mountain you would have to climb.