I am what is known as an early adopter, I try all the new shit, I was on Twitter early and got banned for being a Nazi or something when if you said anything anyone disagreed with you were a fascist.

Chat GPT is something that I have been playing with, 3.5 is as dumb as a plank, If OpenAI wanted to convince me that upgrading to 4 was a good idea they would have made 3.5 interesting enough that it was useful for more than creating outlines.

Here are my concerns.
Chat GPT cannot count, it cannot follow instructions and rehashes the same content in numerous areas, I tried writing blogs about photography, web development, carpentry and more. As a brainstorming device it’s good, to get an outline it’s accep[table, but as far as trusting it with creating original content that needs as much effort to edit and fact check as it would take me to do it from scratch anyway.

In the ever changing, fast paced world yadda yadda is one of it’s gotos. I wonder how many people are posting exactly the same AI generated shite, because they can’t be arsed to actually check it.

IT’s a boon for the spam content creator, but for the person serious about his business< I am not convinced, Convince me.

  • Nuocho@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am a SW developer with 10 years of experience.

    ChatGPT has helped me with numerous tasks including setting up new AWS services I was previously not familiar with and would have needed a cloud expert to set them up with. It also knows everything about complex libraries and helps me read poor documentation and manuals.

    ChatGPT has fixed numerous bugs in my code that would have taken me hours to find. When I’m learning new tech sometimes I don’t understand anything and make stupid mistakes that chatGPT easily spots and also explains helping me learn more.

    ChatGPT in form of copilot constantly suggests me more code to write and radically cuts my development time.

    ChatGPT is superior translating service able to produce fluent text in any language. It is also able to rewrite text you have written yourself in better ways and shoot back ideas on how to rephrase something.

    But sure. It is dumb as planks because you want the first generation AI chatbot to already replace all humans… It’s like saying that Google is stupid and useless tech because you can’t always find what you are looking for behind the first link.