I own a concrete business and have been in the industry for many years. I’ve managed to achieve success and build a strong team. Recently, a friend who started a contracting business called me to discuss how I got my leads and the challenges he was facing. I have a rule: when someone discusses business, I no longer address them as a friend.

I asked him about his process, and he mentioned calling leads and sending emails. Digging deeper, I discovered he had no system, no frequency of contact, and no scripts. Despite being a skilled contractor, his lack of a system was affecting his sales. I emphasized that when dealing with leads, you’re not just a contractor but a salesman, and your job is to sell your service, not just provide a price.

Interestingly, he hadn’t considered this perspective before. The best lesson I’ve learned in my business is that my product’s success relies on my team’s ability to sell, not just on my craftsmanship. It’s a mistake to solely rely on your skills and tools. In business, you’re in sales. Invest time in improving your sales skills or hire someone proficient in it. If I had a nickel for every skilled contractor with a truck who thinks they’re the best…

  • DeathIsThePunchline@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    So maybe make it a joint venture and help him set up his sales people in office in exchange for a percentage.

    I realize that you being in concrete might put you in an awkward position if he’s competing with some of your customers but if you were a silent partner him set up with a decent office manager/sales person.

    • Chill_stfu@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You are vastly underestimating how much work that would be. People who are not in business are always telling people who are how we can make more money.

  • checkmate55963@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    (clears throat …because slightly off topic to your rant)

    OP - Since you appreciate the importance of making sales, allow me to make you a reddit elevator pitch. Can I suggest a win-win business collab?

    Having been in business many years, you probably know or will come across many small business owners who are looking for working capital to take on new projects, for expansion, new equipment, to bridge A/R gap, etc

    Perhaps some of these would have given you their business, but have been denied financing by their banks.

    I work in business financing/SBA loans/lines of credit/equipment financing/subordinated debt/etc

    Based in New York. The financing company = 10 years in business, Nationwide network of lenders (100k - 10M deals). Financed $2 Billion already.

    Business Proposal = You refer businesses in need of financing to me, I help them get funded, and you receive a % commission on each deal approved and funded.

    Legit commissions paid out to you by the financing company directly.

    Or, you know someone else to recommend who is perfectly suited for this win-win business collaboration with me?

    What say you?

    Any Questions? Please DM, happy to explain more and provide examples etc


  • thomasjmarlowe@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You no longer consider someone a friend if they talk business? You have no friends who are in your business? Or no business contacts you maintain friendships with?

    I think I’m misunderstanding

    • Thatguyun2939@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I generally don’t talk with friends on how they should run their business. However, we do talk business i.e. plans, things going on, etc.

      In this case, he was looking for semphaty. Someone to agree with his lack of performance. I don’t agree with anyone who doesn’t effectively plan.

      If he had invested in training and a system and wanted help on those things, it would make sense.

      He basically wants the title without the work. That’s poor character on his part. Friends have to hold friends accountable.

  • Potential_Ear_1192@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    great post. if i ask you what is your favorite hamburger, most would not say mcdonalds, yet its a $196b company run by minimum wage employees. yet, they know who their ideal customer is and they have SOP’s to give them what they want.

  • Rudy_Gobert@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is the reason my company exists. Through the years I have come across so many craftsmen that are really good at their job, but don`t have a clue about sales. Many of them hate sales too and wouldn`t know how to hire a good salesperson.

    My company does booking and sales for craftsmen. Our goal is to create situations where we let the craftsmen be good at what they do and us do our thing. It works really well with the right partner companies.

  • teamhog@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I learned early on as an environmental engineer that in order to get my pet projects funded I had to ‘sell’ it to the C-Suite. Once I figured that out I was able to get 14 promotions or raises in 5 years.

    My wife implemented a similar strategy in her roll as a programmer at an insurance company. She too was able to leverage this into a good career path.

    I then rolled this over to business solutions and I’ve been what I would deem as successful.

    I then, and still do, encouraged all of my direct & indirect reports to do the same thing.

    You have to have a plan and templates (scripts) are the things that make them repeatable. They should be updated and the playbook should include notes on proven techniques.

    As a business owner, if you suck at something you should hire someone who’s really good at it. Then learn from them. That’s why we say to surround yourself with better talent and recognize it.

  • cAR15tel@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have the same problem. I’m not a salesman. At. All.

    I’m not a people person either. I actually avoid talking to potential customers because my personality causes any interaction to be a negative one.

  • 126270@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If your friend is having that much trouble with the basic stuff, just wait till he gets to the difficult stuff…

    Sounds like you built a mini empire, but that’s because you lived it, breathed it, willed it, honed it, hired, fired, trained, empowered, built them up, cheered them on, ate the losses and shared the gains…

    Good job, op!