• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • I am currently in university. Since I was young I wanted to be in control of my own life as a businessman. However, university seemed to be mandatory as I was pushed to go for post secondary education.

    This has given me more time to focus on business, working out, and building on my time management skills.

    It has also given me perspective, connections, and the ability to network in the area surrounding university.

    Yes, I look at it as a waste of time because I hate “back up” plans, but in reality, it has given me more skills and time than working a job daily would give me.

  • My issue was always finding what I was good at or finding something to solve. It wasn’t until later that I realized I had it wrong.

    I don’t need to solve anything. I need to step into something that people WANT or NEED. Identify this, and then focus on getting really good at it. You’ll become an expert and be able to get more customers.

    It’s not that easy. It takes discipline over motivation, but if you’re hungry for it, you’ll get it.

  • If you want to attract parents that will send their kids, you need to pitch the effects of the kids being in the sports. Here are some ideas

    1. team building experience
    2. experiencing the fun of sports and growing together
    3. opening time for the parents to watch their kids build themselves in a community environment
    4. building on the important lessons to grow in the world

    I had a very good basketball coach. He taught me many lessons both for on the court and off the court. He made me a stronger boy and man. Bring the dreams alive in their minds and give them someone to look up to.

    You can grow organically through TikTok, instagram, Facebook, posting banners at local events, talking about your coaching to parents at these events, and so on.

    Let me know if this is helpful.

    Best Regards,

    Landon DeReus

  • Your method is perfect. I have worked as the team manager of a sales team in an agency, and I stressed the importance of doing research first, then approaching them using this information.

    Making the lead know you did your research, finding pain points, and spending time on it will perfect your skills and grow your ability.

    I don’t recommend copy and paste methods because you don’t learn anything. I learned more in sales through specific approaches.

    Best Regards,


  • If you seek to target people outside of your country, your basic option is doing any form of outreach to those businesses. It sounds as if you have a portfolio created and you know your industry, so pitching a call with them is your hardest aspect.

    Another option for you would be to find a way to get in front of these international businesses in ways other than cold outreach. It could be ads, networking events, or asking existing clients if they could refer you to international clients.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,


  • My first assumption was that it was a straight line and it was possible to walk alone. I then discovered that you must be able to read, write, communicate and work with others to expand your business. it is far from a linear pathway to building an empire.

    Working with people is a double edged sword. I learned one of the most important aspect of business is the ability to analyze. Analyzing people, their behaviour, their habits. Analyzing businesses, systems. Analyzing yourself, your identity.

  • What is work that you can delegate? 20% of our efforts achieve 80% of the results.

    Using the 80-20 rule, you can identify which work is useful, but not critical. Use your funds to outsource this work. This will open up time to study more areas and plan further expansions.

    Another option is to hire the appropriate minds that can think outside of the box to tap into new niches and convert at higher rates.

    Best Regards,


  • Personally, my day to day life is consistently busy, but consistent nonetheless. Hopefully this will help you

    6:15 AM - wake up I have a light breakfast and a coffee after making my bed and getting ready for the day. Commute 1 hour to university while listening to a podcast The daytime is dedicated to getting ahead on university, and attending classes. Commute 1 hour home also listening to podcasts I will work a few hours on the farm to help out at home, eat dinner with family.


    30 minutes of body weight workouts mandatory, 30 minutes basketball training

    And the rest of my evening (typically 4-5 hours) dedicated to moving the organization forward.

    The day often has communication and planning for business but the focus is opening the evening so it’s free of school work.

    I then focus on getting a minimum of 6 hours of good sleep. I know more is required but right now it’s important to grow the business

    You can see that I have all the tasks taken care of while working on the family farm, working out, playing a team sport, family dinner, and business. Sleep is crucial and my meals are lighter until dinner. Dinner is a healthy home cooked meal.

    Hope this helps,


  • Start looking into the fundamentals of business. Your mindset is going to be your secret weapon. You can try all the different ideas but if there is no knowledge present, it will not happen. Develop yourself into a businessman first in mind, and then in body.

    Following this, focus on trying different ideas that come to mind. Business ideas that build on your expertise, ways to scale wealth, methods of growing income, etc.

    Ask yourself the basic questions:
    - what skill do I need to make this happen?
    - What would make me valuable to others so that they would pay me to do _________?
    - How can I then grow this money by putting my active income to work for me?

    Read these books:
    - the four hour work week
    - the richest man in Babylon
    - atomic habits

    If you want to be a powerful individual, apply these three books and listen to 48 laws of power, Jordan Peterson compilations to build your mindset, and capture as much knowledge as you can.

  • Personally, I would find it more difficult to spend the entire day on one task rather than splitting the day as you do in example 1.

    What I do is listen to a podcast during my 1-hour commute to university, get to school early, and work during the morning and day on getting ahead with reports. In the afternoon I drive home listen to another audiobook or podcast, work some extra hours, and then focus on business.

    Splitting up the day like this allows me to get ahead with work, and stay consistent each day with my tasks.

    It would be best to experiment for yourself and determine what works best for you.

  • Itchy_Neighborhood51@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurDoes therapy help?
    10 months ago

    The answer truly depends. I have witnessed and gone through experiences that led to me not being easily shaken. There isn’t a feeling of stress but rather a sense of urgency to do more.

    However, in general, the most important thing you can do is to narrow in on the reality of things and accept them. Remove unnecessary stress and overthinking by making it almost black and white.

    I am in university studying chemistry and biology. I’ve started my 10th business and really want one to work, I’m 20, I work on a farm, play basketball, and workout… however, none of this bothers me because I got real with it:

    Figure out the true reason why and you can accept the challenge. I do all of what I do because it makes me feel like a more fulfilled and better person. Find a way to get more output per time, and focus on your reason to keep going each and every day

    I know you will get there. You are further than many.

    Best Regards,


  • I was exactly where you are. So many ideas with all results posted for me to see. It made it easy to wish to try everything. I am 20 now, but started when I was 13, took a break and hit it hard at 15… Here’s what I wish I focused on

    Your number one approach is to answer these questions:

    1. What is something you’d like to learn and become an expert in?
    2. How can you use this skill to provide value to people? (People pay for value)
    3. What knowledge must I have in order to GROW this money? (value investing, not trading. Expansion. Systems, etc.)

    Hopefully this helps.

    Best Regards,


  • I understand where you are coming from. The most important thing for you to do is to be the person he can look at and say “How can I be more like that”.

    People change for one of two reasons that I’ve noticed:

    1. Something traumatic happens and it leads to change
    2. They realize where they are and DECIDE to change

    Your friend will not decide to change unless he sees someone near him who has changed into someone he can’t help but be jealous of.

    Sometimes it’s hard to accept the harsh reality, but the harsh reality is that he won’t change unless you turn into the person who works every hour of the day and shows the results he only dreams of. At this point, he may ask how you did it, and that is when your opportunity arises.

  • Itchy_Neighborhood51@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurI have 0 income
    10 months ago

    I am in a similar position to you, but found a way to optimize my time.

    1. Listen to the 4-hour work week. It’ll change your mindset about time management
    2. Identify which projects have the largest toll on your mental health. Cut these out regardless of their return. A negative effect mentally will lead to a worse result in other areas
    3. Identify where most of your time is going. Is there a way to lessen this and keep the same or similar output?
    4. Find work and negotiate a deal to work part time
    5. Identify spending habits and save most of your income. I move my money to an account I cannot spend out of
    6. which skill/project has the best return? Focus on this and become an expert.

    Hopefully this helps

    Best Regards,