Hi all, I am working in tech and I work 30-35h a week. Now, I want to start working on own projects. I have the chance to organise my days as I want. Should I split a day 6h working on my 9-5 job and 2-3h on my side project in the morning, or should I work 8h a day for 4 days a week and keep on full day to work on my side project?

Example: Schedule 1 - for 5 days a week Work: 2-3h Go to work: 1h commute by bike (to refresh my mind) Work: 6h Commute to home

Example: Schedule 2 - for 4 days a week Go to work: 1h commute by bike (to refresh my mind) Work: 8h Commute to home

And work full day on my side project (8h) a day

  • Itchy_Neighborhood51@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Personally, I would find it more difficult to spend the entire day on one task rather than splitting the day as you do in example 1.

    What I do is listen to a podcast during my 1-hour commute to university, get to school early, and work during the morning and day on getting ahead with reports. In the afternoon I drive home listen to another audiobook or podcast, work some extra hours, and then focus on business.

    Splitting up the day like this allows me to get ahead with work, and stay consistent each day with my tasks.

    It would be best to experiment for yourself and determine what works best for you.

  • shukki@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depends what you mean by „tech“? Automate everything in your current job, if possible, and do your projects during your „normal“ job . And don‘t tell your company about your personal „projcets“ - yet.