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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • FEAR. My guess is they are fearful of their ability of being able to manage past a certain level.

    A lot of small biz people either dont have or dont think they have the ability to manage a business over $x revenue or X number of employees.

    Happyness could be the other. If they are content and happy with what they are making, they may have no desire for more.

    I would have a hard time not rolling that $50k back in and seeing what happened.

  • vulcangod08@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFiring employee?
    10 months ago

    What does your handbook say about phone use?

    I have a 3 strikes your out policy on everything. First time I make sure you know it’s a problem. The second time I remind you I told you already its a probelm and the next time I catch you, you are fired.

    I also make them sign stating they have been warned twice and the next time they are fired.

  • vulcangod08@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessIs my offer bad?
    10 months ago

    As a small business person, I hate monthly deals. If I pay a monthly fee, I expect monthly sessions detailing what I got for that months fee. And if there is really nothing there, I feel ripped off. I personally prefer 1 price for the project. You can give me an installment price and a lump sum. And go into detail for “maintenance” and what that entails.

    I also, no matter what, run from “act now” deals. It gives me the feeling the sales person doesnt want me to have time to analyze the deal because it’s bad for me, good for them.

  • vulcangod08@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFirst time firing
    10 months ago

    First of all, congrats on your first firing. It means you are doing what needs to be done to take care of your business. Welcome to business ownership.

    Firing sucks. It is never fun. You feel bad, which means you have empathy.That’s good, it means you are a normal human and not a psycho.

    I have probably fired 100 or so people over the years. I have 1 that comes by a couple times a year and we eat lunch. I would say we aren’t "friends ", but we are friendly. We share pics from trips and keep each other updated on dumb stuff our kids did.

    Your employees are not your friends. They provide a service to you for providing them money. Your accountant is also not your friend. Neither are your suppliers.

    Friendly is ok, but they are not your friends. Dont believe me, change accountants, and see if your current accountant still wants to have lunch.

    You will lose less sleep with each firing, but you wont ever feel good about it.

  • I have had a handful that actually carry through. Usually, it’s an insurance agent, truck leasing company, or a janitorial sales rep.

    It worked out for an insurance agent and truck lease person. I eventually spent money with them.

    But yea, 99.9% of cold calls are outside the US.

    My dad told me he used to ask every cold call person if they saw the game last night. Then, based on their response, he either ended the call or kept talking.