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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • $30 a day spent on ad campaigns? That’s not a lot of spend.

    I hired an agency to run my ads a couple of years back. Up until then I was running my own ads so I was capable of going into Google ads and seeing what was being done.

    To be fair, they’d given some good advice on how to make my website better. But they didn’t perform with the ads. I asked them to get the conversion costs down. They couldn’t.

    They spent most of their time playing around with text based ads when my products are jewellery and people need to see the images. Their ad copy wasn’t great. They didn’t use the tone or style of the business.

    They’d have happily played around with the ad copy forever and carry on collecting their money. Not delivering any solid results.

    My advice would be to shop around for someone else if they’re not delivering after a couple of months.

    In regards to SEO. I can code and do SEO. A lot of people will scam you with SEO. Try to get a breakdown of what they’ve done each month. If they try to bamboozle you with technical terms, look them up. You might want to look up googles guide to SEO and become familiar with it.

  • Welcome to retail 🤷‍♂️

    Anybody who has contact with the public will get abused.

    You’ve had a minor annoyance at best. Wait until you get the psychos that spend hours writing bad reviews because ‘they can’. Then you have to spend hours proving they’ve created duplicate accounts just to bad mouth you. Or the ones that turn up at your doorstep.

    You’ll try to fight them initially but after a while it becomes about reputation control and you have to let a lot of bad behaviour slide otherwise it’ll escalate.