I shipped a $300 package last month to a customer via UPS.

Customer claims to not have received it.

UPS tracking says delivered on doorstep with a photo.

I’ve opened a claim with UPS and it says under investigation. Tracking now says “open investigation.”

Customer is saying she’s going to sue me and file a chargeback unless I refund her. I responded that I am waiting until UPS has completed their claim to get the insurance to refund her.

She says that she cannot wait and will just have to sue me since she thinks I’m negligent in this case.

I have copy of shipping label and screenshots of full tracking. I even take photos of the packages before I ship.

Can she actually sue me? Nothing online says she can but I’m a bit confused. What can I do in this situation to protect myself from this happening again aside from shipping insurance?

  • OregonHighSpores@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    She’s threatening to sue as a way of bullying you into giving a refund.

    See what UPS says with their investigation.

    If she opens a chargeback, provide your bank or payment processor with copies of the results of said investigation.

    It’s my understanding the UPS DIAD scanner logs GPS coordinates too. So it’s not as if this would be some other person’s porch.

    It is entirely possible someone snatched it off her porch tho. She could be telling the truth. In which case she needs to file a police report and provide police with door cam footage. Whenever I think someone is scamming me like this, I offer to cooperate with their local law enforcement for prosecuting theft. The scammers always disappear when I say that.

    • reboog711@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      So it’s not as if this would be some other person’s porch.

      FWIW: I routinely get stuff delivered to other people’s porches; and their stuff delivered to my porch. But, these are usually at the houses on either side of me.

      The craziest delivery was when it was delivered a bunch of streets over; and my kind extended neighbors drove the delivery over.

    • Every-Tough7533@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Yeah…. I’ve made suggestions of police report and I also helped her file a claim with UPS to open the investigation. I send her follow up emails whenever I receive updates but UPS says their delivery driver matched the house number.

      But I guess she is just bullying me because I’m just getting emails of page long rants and threats everytime I try and help.

      Never had such a difficult customer 😅

      • WarmKetchup@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        “I also helped her file a claim with UPS”

        This is the one thing you did wrong. UPS is a subcontractor hired by you, you should be the one filing and handling the claim. I would never have put it off on the customer. I shipped around 400 orders a day when I had my store.