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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • First,

    You need to provide her with the proof that the package was delivered. Photo, time and date stamped.

    Ask if that is her front porch. Google/bing maps might help.

    If it’s her porch, she needs to file a police report.

    If not, claim with UPS. She could check with neighbors.


    She’s not going to sue.

    She’s hoping you will either do nothing or refund.

    She will then do a chargeback.

    You will need to provide that you provided her proof of delivery, convos you had especially if it is her home.

    They will investigate.

    If she wins again, you can still fight one more time.

    If she loses, she can actually do a second chargeback. Yeah, she can hit you up with chrgeback fee a second time.

    Make sure you have ducks in a row again.

    Buyers do this to extend their purchasing power.

    They also know some sellers don’t notice chargebacks till too late.

    Whatever you do don’t refund.

    Some buyers have learned to play games.

  • justbrowzingthru@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessFiring half my staff
    10 months ago

    So what is the revenue production you were concerned about? Havent seen specifics posted.

    You must be in a market with a glut of skilled hygenists, dentists, and skilled dental staff.

    Cause where I’m as a patient it’s sh&tshow since before covid.

    Hygenists are hired to clean teeth and take X-rays. Those are still hard to find.

    Last one didn’t know how to use dental tools for cleaning and used a consumer oral B (how to sanitize that will never know), and a plastic spit cup. Didn’t know how to use the positioner for X-rays. You expect them to sell? Oof.

    Really it’s going to be a matter of training on the right product on the right person,

    I’d prolly pay for whitening, fluoride(there’s a reason for it, dentist mentions a good reason why every time).

    If a dentist mentions braces, Invisalign, crowns, root canals, getting wisdom teeth pulled, there’s a really good dental reason. Better to do before it’s an emergency than on Christmas even when closed for a week for a root canal.

    But of the dentist is pushing teeth whitening for everyone, supplements for everyone, his oral B even if you already have one, braces if you’ve had them, veneers for everyone, juice plus, dotters, monat, neora, paparazzi, pampered chef, scentsy, and lularoe, it’s time to find a new dentist. This ones broke from mlm.

  • Could be lots of reasons.

    Every business owner and landlord negotiates a different contract with regards to T&I, free rent, etc…

    The smart owners don’t sign the lease till they have permits in hand, contract ready to sign for build out, to get build out going.

    But even then that doesn’t mean there arent uncontrollable issues that pop up during construction that bring things to a halt.

    There are others that sign a lease, then get architect, get permits, and hope it will work and hope the build out fits in budget.

    You never know if it’s a case of something where everything was planned and something odd was found in construction and they need to get extra permits and it’s led to cost overruns and huge delays

    Could be the Reddit posts of someone that that had $50k to start a business, signed the lease, then got drawings, then it took months for permits, then they started construction, they had to start paying rent, then their $50k ran out, rent started, and they still have $50k left of build out……

    Or everywhere in between

  • If they didn’t bother to clock in or out period and they don’t bother to let you know until after payroll is run,

    Let them know it will be added to the next payroll, and let them know the late fee for doing it as well, if you can legally do that. That will probably stop it.

    If they clock in, but forget to clock out and are padding time, manager/supervisor has to determine correct hours worked not to exceed scheduled hours worked based upon cameras, etc…. Not to exceed a certain number of dates per week.

    If employee regularly reports hours exceeding hours worked c number of times per week, it’s an occurrence, they have to go through time card training, meet to go over issues with reporting. Etc…

    And for repeat offenders it’s addressed in performance reviews for raises and promotions.

    They may be an efficient worker, but if every pay period, every day hours are either missing or padded and managers and hR/payroll have to spend 15 minutes minimum per day correcting their time cards with them, it’s not meeting expectations.

    That and it would be hard to promote them if they can’t figure out their own time card, how could they manage a team of 10 or more time cards.

  • So how long is the loan?

    How much is the monthly debt payment?

    Personal guarantee on the loan?

    Any collateral on the loan?

    Retirement account loan?

    Then look at your realistic business plan.

    I assume you have one.

    How many realistic cups of coffee per day/month do you need to cover all expenses including cogs, rent, payroll, marketing, credit card processing fees, healthcare benefits, pto, supplies, the debt payment etc…. And still leave a buffer to cover a $10% profit plus 50k per year salary for you.

    Then if your numbers show you can still make a really nice profit, go for it.

    If it shows maybe 10% profit or less, it’s a run, with inflation and the economic and interest rates, it’s risky. Unless you know for sure that a major employer is moving in next door, major shopping is opening, apartments moving in, but that is never guaranteed these days.

    If it show a break even or loss, it should be a nope.

    Unless you own the building outright.

    Now if the loan does not come from your funds, family funds, or from a retirement account, and DOES NOT have personal guarantees or personal collateral or any of your real estate as collateral,

    Well, then you have more wiggle room to chose you dreams since it’s someone else’s money.

  • Caddy, Bartend. Be a server. Be super nice, provide the best service. Be yourself. Don’t try to act like you are there for something. Just be there for them. They like you, they make take you under there wing, get to know you.

    Hand out in bars in those areas, bartend, serve.

    Sweaty startup in those areas where it’s not being done. Provide superior service. Be genuine. Be you unless you are an idiot.

    Some join churches in those areas. Volunteer yourself. Be visible. Be geniune.

    Always heard in college teaching students that wanted to meet someone other than teachers studied in the business libraries. Law libraries. Med libraries. Instead of bar hopping or teacher library. Ended up marrying lawyers, cpas, physicians, you get the idea.