I think this might work for a very specific subset of roles. Perhaps, as you say, programmers at a certain level. Or perhaps a VA. Not sure how this would work for broader engineering roles. How would you hire for a marketing job like this?
I would still go through and try to refine your target market - it’s not all companies that are hiring but some specific subset. I am not in your target market so you might just ignore most of what I’m saying. But I do think you should find the right people to reach out to that need this.
Thanks for sharing!
Given this is already in Python, I’m wondering if it would be worth adding an OpenAI module to it to allow some personalization of the outgoing message - perhaps commenting on a recent post or news item. But LinkedIn has blocked OpenAI browsing via robots.txt so it would need to be done via Selenium. You could do this without AI too. But it may introduce more errors (pulling the wrong info). There is a lot of benefit to keeping it simple.
I like the ability to add alternate messages. At scale, this would let you A/B test messaging pretty effectively.