Astonishing when you see the brain farts turned business fling, clear nobody put in much effort or thought. Yet they hang onto the McGuffin like they actually tried.
You would have done well to at least mention how many successes were ‘pivots.’ Expressly examples that canceling a project in no way, shape or form means giving up.
On the other hand, wantrepreneurs have a genuine talent for taking any advice then twisting it so they can screw themselves over. They’ll always find a way to snatch failure from the jaws of victory. Bless their hearts.
…Visiting Xerox PARC probably wasn’t just a big waste of time. Gates was one of the less well known visitors.
…Gary Kildall – the guy IBM tried to meet up with – developer of CP/M the most popular operating system in the world of 8-bit microcomputers. Therein lies a story.