We own a small CBD lab worth of crude to distillation and isolation processing equipment. We are selling our CBD processing equipment because we don’t have space to operate. We do not have the money to pay someone to run our equipment. We are selling our equipment through a reliable local third party on eBay we already have done business with. The downside being we have no idea when we can expect to receive payments. The upside is we will get the most back for our used equipment which is approximately 10,000$
We closed our small laboratory in Brattleboro Vermont because of lack of interest in buying online and rent being too expensive. We ended the contract with the farm for growing because the price of hemp dropped so drastically we could not compete with 1000 acre mega producers.
Hi, I’m your neighbor in the next town over :)
I would concur here, it seems like your niche in the market has not evolved with the changing market. Plus i am sure VT making more strides to make Cannabis legal has hit the cliental as well. Your partners and yourself needs to seriously pause and sit down to look at the business plan, and if need be come up with a new one if you intend for this to continue.
You will need to examine the market shifts and plan for how your going to be “special” and compete. Online sales are a dime a dozen now for sure, and CBd can often be bought everywheres now. You can even look at other CBD variants like Kratom or Delta-8 if you do not offer them. Those are sometimes higher demand for smoke shops but they are not without risk.
On a side note, interesting that you went down to Brattleboro, It’s the other the other side of the state. I need Grad school down there and not much is offered in that neck of the woods for sure.
If your in the US, I be happy to talk payments