A, if those are the only choices
A, if those are the only choices
pressure washing,house painting, house cleaning, car cleaning, tshirt, hats, woodwork, epoxy shit, tiler, horse shoer taking care of er, real estate agent, chiropractor, massage therapist, escort, dj, karoke dj, atmer, jukeboxer, clothes washing, clothes delivery, makeup artist, mlm schemer
hes saying 100% tho…like i said…not sure if its sketchy, might not be.
yeah i mean i could be legit. I mean you can make bank with an atm business without ‘spending’ anything but gas. whether or not you consider that ripping people off is debatable… Ho hum, ill just sit here quietly making my 6 cents on the dollar whilst getting told I charge too much…
also sounds sketchy. dont know what his business is but it sounds like he is ripping people off.
I have had to get a lot of work done becuase i dont know how to myself. I have learned if i want to troubleshoot, find the correct parts, order those parts, and have whoever i called install those parts i can save a few bucks. Obviously if the plumber or whoever carriea the part i expect a markup…just like a store except this one comes with the install.
If tour customer does understand this they are an idiot. Unless your markups are insane just give the guy the invoice. If they are insane and you didnt know i guess you will find out.
Holiday party, open bar, make a game out of giving gifts value ina value range of $50-200.
Each year they get a $100 bonus. each year they work it goes up. im giving a $600 bonus to 2 employees this year.
I have 7-10 employees.
If i was gunna invest 30k in a business, It would probably be an apparel company. you can buy all the equipment need to print on tshirts hat etc. Its pretty easy to sell too.
If you have a truck an ATM business is a sweet deal too.
A small restaurant, mini golf, house painting, gutter cleaning, landscaping, if you are willing to work your ass off there are possibilities.
Sales are down. Scrambling. Finally have a great staff, properly adjusted prices with no complaints. OC’s are right where they should be. And GME never went to the moon for me.
I would go about this completely unethically, but im in a small town.
It really too bad this guy doesnt live here.