Restaurant Owners, how is the business going lately? I’m troubled with rising costs and shirking margins, what about you guys ?
Restaurant Owners, how is the business going lately? I’m troubled with rising costs and shirking margins, what about you guys ?
Sales are down. Scrambling. Finally have a great staff, properly adjusted prices with no complaints. OC’s are right where they should be. And GME never went to the moon for me.
Service industry has been the same forever… slow in winter, busier in summer. Slow during layoffs, slow during recession, slow during inflation, slow during protests, slow during wars…
Booming a little in the 90’s followed by slow during Afghanistan/iraq/desert storm/etc… booming a little, then 9/11… booming for a bit then housing crisis/cash for clunkers/etc… booming for a bit then the next disaster
Also depending on location - hurricanes, tsunami, wind/fires
Also depending on location - protests, gang violence, tear gas, arson, theft, burglary
Also depending on location - homelessness, deification, urination, trash, harassment
If it’s not one thing it’s another