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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023

  • I have the opposite problem. My family wants to know when I am going to stop working. My business supports me. I do it full time and then offer the same services as a contractor for other companies. The constant asking of when are you going to stop working or take off when my business isn’t particularly stressful or time consuming is like asking when I’m going to give up on having a roof over my head or food in the fridge.

    Either way, most people don’t what running a business entails and so they fill in the blanks with their own perceptions, maybe of other business owners they know.

  • I’m really only just getting started in my current business. I have a private practice where I provide a variety of services. I also work as a contractor for a few other companies. My income is basically what I would make if I worked one full time job but there is a lot of potential to grow whereas in a full time job that would be the ceiling.

  • Take a product or service. Simplify access to it and offer for less than other sellers.

    If someone can just go on a website, select something, not pay as much as elsewhere and it arrives at their door, it’s an easy sale. All that is left is marketing.

    But if someone has to call your or coordinate how to order the product and when it will arrive, never going to happen unless you own the market for that item.

  • Google Ads is like using a spray bottle to put out a house fire. You need a large expendable budget to make any kind of impact.

    I’ve had more like with Facebook ads, especially boosting Facebook posts from my business page and then targeting the demographics or areas that would be likely customers. You can tell it’s working in real time because you will see comments, reactions and receive messages based on your boosted post.