Hey everyone ! So, I run a small home bakery, and it’s been a journey of passion, challenges, and some unexpected turns. I wanted to share a slice of my story - maybe it’ll help someone out there.

Baking has always been my sanctuary, my zen. But taking that leap from hobby to a full-blown business? That’s a whole different recipe. Finding the right flour supplier and the unpredictable costs of ingredients was just the first of many challenges.

Once I got a handle on the supply side (shoutout to the local flour supplier who finally got my vision!), the next big test was getting my bakery noticed. My early attempts at social media was overwhelmingly negative.

That’s when I knew I needed a new strategy. Enter Shopify, my savior for setting up an online store. Then I brought in Hootsuite for managing my social media posts and Boost App Social for those content ideas and engagement. Last but not least, Mailchimp for keeping my customers in the loop with newsletters.

But the heart of my growth? Engaging directly with my customers. Responding to their feedback, personalizing orders – that’s what transformed my bakery from just another shop into a community fave.

Here’s a reality check - just because you build it doesn’t mean they’ll come. I had to hustle hard to get my brand noticed. Instagram influencers? Tried it. Facebook ads? Burned through some cash there. What I learned is diversity is key. Don’t put all your eggs in one digital basket.

And don’t get me started on inventory management. I had more sizes than customers at one point. Learned that lesson the hard way.

If you’re out there hustling, keep at it. The journey’s rough, but it is rewarding!

  • AverieKings@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I use Boost app for my online boutique too, and it’s helped a lot with my social’s content. Super handy for crafting quick, engaging posts.

    • dinoroo@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’m not sure how Boost App works but you can use Chat GPT to write posts, it works pretty well. You just tell it you want a Facebook post on this too and about how many words it is and it will do the magic.

      • AverieKings@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        chatGPT is definitely a neat trick, but what I really like about Boost app is that it’s not just about AI. It’s got a bunch of other tools like cutout video tool and story templates, all in one app – super convenient.

  • rose_elle@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Any tips for starting out? Trying not to get discouraged with the amount of work / grind as I’m constantly thinking how much I’m worth an hour (I’m an RN) I’m selling brownies at pop up shops.

    • nakedriparian@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Maybe focus on small, achievable goals for your brownie business to make the grind feel less overwhelming. Also, set specific hours for your baking venture. Small, consistent steps can lead to big rewards :)