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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • JT_actual@alien.topBtoStartupsAdvice on early user acquisition
    10 months ago

    So obv many things you could do, but with limited time, I would probably:

    Get a sub to Apollo and cold call/email my ICP. Just ask for feedback on this thing you’re building and thought they might offer advice.

    People love giving advice.

    Similar story, grab a LinkedIn sales nav subscription (free trial) and build a list of your ICP. Then, plug in OctopusCRM (like 15 a month) and have it send connection requests for the same ask.

    Not everyone will reply, but the ones that do usually have good advice.

    Third, and most important imo, is post content. Good content. You can use Taplio or something like that. But you want to engage these potential users that connect with you.

    So to recap, I would set up the LinkedIn connection campaign, carve out time to post daily, and spend the rest of your time dialing and trying to connect with your ICP and learning from them.

    Hope this helps!

  • JT_actual@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurThe Rise of Luxury Software
    10 months ago

    I worked at Superhuman. I agree with this somewhat.

    What makes Superhuman so powerful is that it invokes a feeling of freedom. For those of us that manage email inboxes with 50+ new emails piling on a day, it becomes impossible to manage and cuts into other areas of our lives.

    Take an executive that take off work at 6pm to see his kids and, after they go to bed, catches up on email until midnight just to not fall behind. Miserable at best.

    Superhuman solved a huge problem in the market and they did it so eloquently that people started to identify with the brand. It became a bit of a secret club, one that you will certainly invite your friends to (I’ve referred over 30 people personally over the 3 years I’ve been a user. Not including during my time working there)

    Couple that with the fact that Rahul is well respected in the product/startup community and wrote some viral posts on how superhuman achieved PMF, and you have recipe for a die-hard fan base.

    So to put a bow on this all, I do think that Superhuman is a luxury brand (it’s $30/month for email ffs) but that alone won’t make a successful company. You have to solve a problem and then build a brand (and maybe even a cult-following!) around yourself.

    Moats will dry up in this age of AI, especially after GPTs just rolled out. But brand and a vision that invokes a sense of belonging is irreplaceable.

  • I know this doesn’t answer your question (others have nailed it already- you should get a bump with new funding, especially if you’re under market already) but I would highly recommend cutting back the hours.

    Its a delicate balance to reel it back in (as shitty as it sounds, some will see you go from 12 hours to 8 hours and feel like you’re checked out) but its so worth it.

    I work in enterprise saas sales. Its can be a brutal grind. I did the 12 hours a day thing and about 3 years ago, I supernova’d. It has (not joking) taken me 2 years to get back to the point where I feel unstressed and able to enjoy life.

    So, just chiming in to say- don’t work yourself to death for any amount of money, take your vacations, and don’t forget to enjoy life. 😊