The startup I work for as a low level executive just closed Series B in the past 3 months after a successful series A last year or the year before.

Our customer base has grown about 800% and along with that so have the amount I have to work, manage, and responsibilities.

I’m already getting paid pretty well, maybe 50k less than market - but would it be appropriate to ask for a compensation review after Series B? Or do boards / investors not like to see new Series money going to increasing existing engineers / executives pay?

I’m just working so much (10-12hr days, 6-7 days a week) and pretty much on call 24/7 which has only grown with our growth.

  • JT_actual@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I know this doesn’t answer your question (others have nailed it already- you should get a bump with new funding, especially if you’re under market already) but I would highly recommend cutting back the hours.

    Its a delicate balance to reel it back in (as shitty as it sounds, some will see you go from 12 hours to 8 hours and feel like you’re checked out) but its so worth it.

    I work in enterprise saas sales. Its can be a brutal grind. I did the 12 hours a day thing and about 3 years ago, I supernova’d. It has (not joking) taken me 2 years to get back to the point where I feel unstressed and able to enjoy life.

    So, just chiming in to say- don’t work yourself to death for any amount of money, take your vacations, and don’t forget to enjoy life. 😊