Some great points here. When we were just getting our business started, we offered some insanely low priced deals to get things rolling. Fast forward a year later, when it comes time for renewal, trying to increase rates significantly is very difficult. One large client literally told us we screwed ourselves by pricing so low initially. Hopefully someone can learn from my mistakes.
We took 4 years part time before finding PMF. During that time the laughs with cofounders were the only thing keeping us going. If you’re enjoying it and making progress press on, if not might be time find something else.
You can search for US trademarks here.
For your domain go daddy is fine.
Do you research. When we started we didn’t do enough and operated under name for years. A few years later, once we had traction and a real business, a large US company (we are not US based) in a completely different industry threatened to sue us into the under verse, and we had to pivot and change names. not a fun task