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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


    When you get up, Evaluate what your feeling, do you feel empty, do you feel motivated, tired, then rest for a while, its simple as that, check your mental health, and if not doing good maybe stressed then its fine to be lazy for awhile, because mood whether you like it or not will always influence you so stop stressing and get some rest.

    Dont be a bi*** and try to follow routines so strictly, make it what you want, and what fiits you and know when your tired and slow down, and slowly speed up, basically have rest, but have discipline know when you feel accomplished or not.

    “It takes time” I have been saddened that my mom and dad are still working, I hate seeing them come home tired, I want to give them my best, and then when you do that you lose yourself, I got a 1 month depression from that, so be hard af but be soft too, so when your doing tasks be strict squeeze as much of productivity you can, and at break times if you have a routine, evaluate what you did and if you feel good keep continuing, and at night time if you feel good then keep going, if you feel sad try to do as best as you can still and if its continuing you need to rest before burnout gets real, take your time, your not in a race everytime, just keep moving and its okay to do a gas refuel every now and then.


    To gain money, you need to give a product in this demanding Online space, don’t be negative about not having the skills, you just have a worse starting place, like a fat person trying to gain muscles, need to lose fat, need to gain self-esteem to keep going, and then boom you have muscles, you are just in a worse starting point, but you can keep going, further back in the race, but can keep going and improve.


    Here are some real ones you can do if you put effort into it

    - Advertising accounts : Make accounts of certain topics in need of demand, so go to Youtube shorts, Instagram reels, and make pages and a following for a topic, now you can start trying to approach to advertise, whether online, there are many areas to do that, so lets say technology, you talk about computers, ChatGPT, Software, you can then advertise approach clients with the value you bring, and certain startups can advertise in your area like you can advertise a “ChatGPT app” or etc.

    - Youtube: It is way harder, but just one of the most valuable things you can offer, you can just do some shitty animation like one of those stickmen talking YouTubers talking about “Types of Students” or the youtube degenerocity making videos of relatable content, but if you want to gain actual value make some sort of documentary of something, but live to what you want to do.

  • It is complicated if you do not know how it’s built, it is an impressive feat to get to that level of Twitter even though twitter is a genuine joke, Resources, A King cant build a castle without resources, you need architects, builders, trees, stone, iron, it is built with resources, its too complicated to explain as its way too vast but its resources and organization that makes things work. So get resources and a good concept that is in demand in the market, Twitter did that, a app for the youth, reddit for communities.

  • It’s just a bunch of wannabes, there is value just very bad executions, the value of a mobile app is to be a “service”, since there is an official GPT app it is almost useless, unless you get to make good organization and cool concepts, example a concept of like, making ChatGPT more organized, by making the UI more better, maybe quick requests, but no they make a shitty framework of what could have been, make some cool different logo thinking there unique, and then throw ads and subscriptions to access this when you can just use the official ChatGPT itself without spending that much money, the value is there, just hard to find because of these wannabes.