All media outlets are comparing GPTs to the Apple app store revolution back then and essentially pushing entrepreneur to jump in and create something.

To create a mobile app you need years of experience and in certain areas a team and tousen of dollars in other areas. To create a GPT, you answer questions in a wizard a upload documents, something that can be done a replicated in minutes, where is the sale value in there? What I see is a wrapper on top on chatgpt (like many other AI indie projects)

This is not a critique, I see the potential for internal use in a company or where the value resides on private documents, but I really don’t see a new application marketplace revolution in here. What am I missing? Or it is just hype?

  • billndotnet@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Because for many, GPT can approximate a viable product with no effort, ingenuity, or real value. Talk to any GPT long enough and you’ll realize how not-smart it is, it’s just a very impressive parrot.

  • Bkeeneme@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Write some ad copy into GPT, tell it what you want it to make it accomplish, hit “generate” and then shit your pants.

  • questionsx100@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think the value will come from the data. If you don’t have access to any meaningful data to upload then your GPTs won’t be as good as someone else’s. Especially when chat gpt already has acces to pretty much everything else available on the internet so you need some really unique data.

  • AnonJian@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s all of that. First check out the Gartner hype cycle. Understanding Gartner’s Hype Cycles.

    Wantrepreneurs are big on magical thinking – and when you don’t have magic, the cutting edge serves as a substitute. That is why there is an overabundance of enthusiasm, but a poverty of imagination.

    The no-code movement proceeded the current hype by decades. That too promised you wouldn’t have to focus (as much) on code. But people didn’t understand what the time freed up should have allowed them to spend time on.

    Technology is a convenient excuse that diverts attention wonderfully. It removes roadblocks so you can see where more serious problems are. Unfortunately, all of those look back from a mirror.

  • Fantastic_Pudding_54@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s just a bunch of wannabes, there is value just very bad executions, the value of a mobile app is to be a “service”, since there is an official GPT app it is almost useless, unless you get to make good organization and cool concepts, example a concept of like, making ChatGPT more organized, by making the UI more better, maybe quick requests, but no they make a shitty framework of what could have been, make some cool different logo thinking there unique, and then throw ads and subscriptions to access this when you can just use the official ChatGPT itself without spending that much money, the value is there, just hard to find because of these wannabes.

  • slinkywafflepants@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If a meaningful part of your business can be replaced by GPT then maybe your business wasn’t that meaningful to begin with.

  • rm-rf-elm@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As someone who was a strong skeptic around AI (still am for the most part) AI has added hours of productivity to my weeks / months particularly around 2 things.

    1. writing copy. GPT (coupled with the right prompt) has the capacity of giving you a beautiful starting spot for copy. Seriously good stuff.
    2. coding. Before I had to ask my team on how to accomplish simple stuff in react as I’m more so a designer than a developer. Now I start with asking GPT before asking them and it works around 60% of the time.

    These two things might not sound that big of a deal but combined it saves me personally approx. 8 hours a week, and that’s a pretty huge deal to me.

  • elvinnorris@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    GPTs are a big deal for entrepreneurs mainly because they’re super flexible and can shake things up in a lot of industries. Think of them like a Swiss Army knife for business tasks - from chatting with customers to writing up reports, they can do a ton of stuff. While building an app takes a lot of skill and money, using GPTs is way easier and cheaper. It’s not just about making another chatbot; it’s about finding clever ways to use this tech that nobody’s thought of yet. That’s where the real goldmine is.

  • sp_cecamp@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Right now, GPTs are more like blogging than apps. But people that were early to blogging and who understood SEO dominated in the long term. You can think of it as a new user acquisition channel. This won’t be about “Look I released a great GPT!”This will be “I released a great GPT and I’m constantly updating to make it better and to add new features.”

    Longer term, they will give people the ability to make these much more complex. You can already call outside resources from your GPT, and they’re giving preview of more advanced functionality they’ll probably bring it from their Assistants API. They want people to build more complex GPTs in the long term. More like apps. Look at their Canva demo as an example.

  • alvingjgarcia@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think most people misunderstand your question and think you are asking about GPTs in general, because of the way the title is worded which includes Chat GPT, and not OpenAIs new “create your own GPT” feature they just released.

    I think most people misunderstand your question and think you are asking about GPTs in general, because of the way the title is worded which includes Chat GPT, and not OpenAI’s new “create your own GPT” feature they just released. tom GPT on specific data. That could make your GPT a lot different from everyone else and bring something complicated in the field to the masses. That could set Open AI’s GPTs apart from those open-source models on HuggingFace that require some technical knowledge on how to do that.

  • Terrell199@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It is a big deal BUT it literally ALL depends on the information you input in it. Let’s take me as an example. I have a program that teaches people how to start and build their own Recruiting Agency.

    I’m going to create a ChatGPT that has my specific and detailed information on how to start your agency. Keep in my my GPT us unique because it’s my expertise, and it’s what worked for me and others I helped.

    So my GPT will explain:

    1. How to create an email infrastructure to send cold emails without landing in spam.
    2. How to find leads, target and scrape leads and exactly what softwares to use
    3. How to clean your excel sheet properly.
    4. How to write copy to get clients that is specifically designed for recruiting
    5. What softwares you need exactly.
    6. Email templates (designed for recruiting)
    7. Sales scripts for sales calls.

    So my GPT will ve VERY specific on what you need. If you ask the general chatGPT these questions they will give you broad answers and tons of options on which email copy to use and what softwares to use for example.

    So in a nut shell. The best GPTs will be the ones that have the best specfic information that you can’t get from the original chatgpt.

    For example: I love Brazilian Jiu-jitsu… So if Gordon Ryan (the greatest grapper of all time) created a GPT that gave out tips and advice in BJJ that would be WAY more valuable than getting Jiu-jitsu tips from ChatGPT itself.

    Because Gordon Ryan is putting his thoughts and individual expertise into his GPT.

    If you needed to learn how to cook by tomorrow and I gave you ChatGPT or Gordon Ramsey GPT which one are you taking M

  • starlynagency@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Chatgpt is the same as cryptocurrencies and NFTs. 2 years ago they were going to change the economy forever! Well? Where is it?

    Today is chatgpt. everyone is using Name+AI in their apps or business and people are falling for it because is the new trend.

    Thousands of people were fired because AI will replace you now… any time now… here it comes… is almost here… come on AI do Peter s job come on AI!

    Chatgpt is a new tech that most people hardly will ever use themselves. and most companies will pay some “AI guru” for a job big money and all he did was right in excel but said it was AI made = $$$ and everyone will feel good because Ai made it.