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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • I run a trades business. We have a few benefits that my guys enjoy.

    1. Piece rate and flexible schedule. My crews get assigned +/- 40 hours of quoted hours per week. It’s up to the crew how they to do it. If their work for the week is done on Wednesday, they can take the rest of the week off or ask for more work to make extra money. They get paid the hours quoted for the job, not the hours that pass on the clock.

    2. Free childcare (at least for now). I own a building that I lease to a daycare. I gave the daycare owner a steep discount on the lease in exchange for holding 10 slots open for my employees. Right now, there are only 6 slots taken. If it ever goes above 10, I’ll have to adjust the deal.

    3. Reimbursement for health insurance. When I looked at employer provided plans, they cost more and had worse coverage than my guys could get on their own. The answer for now is reimbursement.

    4. Year-end bonus. My guys get $50 per year of employment for every month they worked for me that year on the first Friday in December (capped at $6000). For example, an employee that starts working here July 1st will get $250. Next year, the same employee would get $1200. The year after that, they would get $1800.

    I worked for a big corporate outfit for 20 years before I went out on my own. I just try to treat my employees like I wish I would have been treated.