So like the title says, I have creative ideas and always try to include my wife in discussions, but all she ever brings to the table is problems and negativity when we discuss things. She thinks she’s being “pragmatic” but it’s tremendously disheartening and the problems she imagines are always the absolute worst of the worst case scenarios. Everything I’ve ever read or watched when it comes to starting businesses is, just start and figure out the problems later. I’m well aware of the potential for difficulties in any endeavor, but tend to believe in myself and my ability to adapt and overcome. Has anyone else experienced this? How did you find middle ground, if at all?

  • CarelessCoconut5307@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    couple of things

    1. women tend to be hardwired for certain things, one thing that tends to go along with creating a nest, and things they find attractive in a partner would be some level of security. alot of women may be looking to the future saying “this crazy son of a bitch is making all these crazy risks while Im trying to settle down and maybe make a family or have some form of security, what if he starts a business and loses it all when we have kids?” especially when a woman is more dependent on her man. now this is a generalization. maybe your girl doesnt even want any of that, but… alot of times women serve as the “voice of reason”

    2. she may be way more risk averse than you

    3. it can be hard for other people to see the vision, sometimes much more concrete plans give confidence, like a business plan

    also, have you talked to her about this? communication solves alot or might help get you on the same page