its a pretty stupid question but how? I live in a super toxic household and i wan’t to get away from these people. I don’t know much about finances and i would love some book recommendations and so.

  • BaldVikingCo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Book Recommendations

    -rich dad poor dad

    -The Miracle Morning

    -The Art of War

    -The Richest Man in Babylon

    -The 4 hour Work week

    -The Compound Effect

    I Highly reccomend these books because it gets you in the right mind set and the lessons you learn (if applied) are litterally life changing.

    as for making money, it depends on what your circumstance is. that being if you have any capital to invest with or not but there are a number of options you could do. however its never an easy process, Entrepreneurship is the hardest path to walk but its the most rewarding. if you want help finding ways to get started feel free to message me and i can help you out :)

  • biz_booster@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Dear Mods,

    Pls delete this post as it is against Rule no 5 - No “How To Get Rich Quick” posts

  • Honest-Instruction68@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think the first question you need to ask yourself is, why? Why do you want to be rich? What is it you truly want? Is it just financial independence from a toxic situation? Well then rich could mean a stable job and a beautiful friend group. Does it mean not having to stress if a medical bill or car maintenance arises? Then that could mean being a smart saver and investor with the funds you have access to. Does it mean not having to be stuck in one place to earn your living? Then that could mean becoming an entrepreneur with something you can scale outside of your own labor. Do you want to be able to provide for a family of your own one day? Like you need to identify why the heck you even want these little green slips of paper that society has chosen to accredit with monetary value. But above that, you need to understand what you are even here for. I’m a Christian, and I firmly believe that all creation is here to glorify God, our Maker, so whether you’re rich or poor, whatever resources (not just money, but time and health and intellect also) that you do have you should look to cultivate and grow to serve Him and serve His creation (aka humanity), from a place of love. That is your purpose and when you come to a place of faith in Christ as Lord and Savior and have your soul reconciled to God, having had your sins forgiven and paid for by the person and work of Jesus Christ the Messiah on the Cross, then you will have a peace and contentment and hope and joy that will not be dependent upon your external circumstances my friend. What good is all the riches in the world if you end up being a toxic person to someone else? What good is all the riches in the world if you had one week to live? Riches without a purpose, the right purpose (to be put to use in service of others and used for godly enjoyment of the many gifts God gave us to experience in this life as a common grace, from food, to family, to laughter, to sports, etc.). If you’d like to talk more, feel free to comment and let me know we can spark it up in the DM’s.

  • chloeclover@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I can’t believe how much bad advice is being upvoted here.

    Read these books: I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi (his Netflix show is also good) Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier Quit Like a Millionaire Mr. Money Mustache’s blog

    And start poking around different Reddit’s on topics like investing, career advice, or even small business.

    Entrepreneurship is a very rare path to wealth.

  • iShipStuff42069@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I will reverse the question.

    How do other people get rich?

    Well, by receiving more money than they spend for a long period of time.
    OK, so when is the last time you gave someone money? and what was the reason?
    Did they make you save time or provide a solution to a problem you had? Entertained you?

    So do that, solve problems for other people. Even better: solve problems for rich people because they value their time even more than the normie.

  • Cookiegirl442@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I assume you mean you just want to be self sustaining, be able to afford rent, utilities, food, all the things you need to survive plus a little more so you can have a life as well?

    I would need more information about you to advise you. How old are you? Do you have a job now? Do you have a career or anything you love that could lead to a career?

  • earnerminds@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Set Financial Goals: Define clear, achievable goals. Whether it’s saving a certain amount, investing, or acquiring new skills, having goals provides direction.