Hi !
Guys do you ever felt like your killer article on Medium deserved more than a basic share message? 🚀 Picture this: what if you could turn your article into an interesting title and summary that makes people go, “Hmm, I’ve got to check this out!” before even clicking the link? Especially if you’re into Amazon Affiliate marketing!
So my idea starts from here , I think We’ve all been there – hit that share button, and all you get is a bland “I just published… (title)” announcement, which is quite boring.
But what if we could spice it up a bit? Imagine customizing your share message automatically with a catchy title or intriguing snippet, letting people know not only what your article is about but also hinting at those juicy Amazon Affiliate insights, enticing them to click.
Whether you’re sharing on X, or good ol’ Facebook, having the power to make your shared link stand out could be a game-changer for grabbing attention and driving clicks.
What are your thoughts on this, Do you reckon this idea could be a hit??
Not a bad idea, but this is a feature, not a company.
I think LinkedIn already shipped something like this.
Customizing the shared preview for each reader based on their interest profiles? That’s more interesting. But still just a feature for Facebook, Google, and the other content aggregators.
Spicy up? Ol’good Facebook? Are you writing from a front yard in Louisiana? Is this comment spicy enough?
So more spam?
And let me guess - all of this will be done with one GPT prompt
So. You’re gonna build a service that competes with Open Graph and OpenAI at the same time?!
This is just using ChatGPT to write a summary???
Not a hit sorry.
You said what now
Check out copy.ai, it doesn’t only help you generate titles and summaries but even the whole fucking article.
The next big thing is an AI that filter out articles based on what I read and identify if the article is similar to what I already read.
Imagine you find an article that has good title and summary, then your AI assistant is going to tell you how many % or generic it is based on what you already read. And as you highlight and take note, it will then generate related articles. For e.g. you highlighted steps on how to create the best fried rice, it will be added to an existing fried rice recipe with new and improved steps.
Your AI second brain.
There’s also this really cool thing called chatgpt
Not a bad idea, but this is a feature, not a company.
I think LinkedIn already shipped something like this.
Customizing the shared preview for each reader based on their interest profiles? That’s more interesting. But still just a feature for Facebook, Google, and the other content aggregators.