Context: I’ve started a semi-dropshipping hobby (all product come to my door and I send them out) and now I want to engage in marketing and sales while gaining knowledge so that I trust what I do. I plan to sell acrylic lights (run lights with illustrations), it’s not the greatest product but I think that I have a chance since I personally hadn’t heard of it since recently. As a start I plan to just sell on instagram (and other social media but mostly insta) via DMs and send it out via my country’s modt common sender. So with the product, (half ish) platt from, pricing and delivery thought out, I’m now starting to wonder how to market myself or just get people to find me in general. As I said I have started social media and their I’m going to talk about color psychology (since I thought it’s an interesting subject related to my product) but since my subject and product are so niche I have a hard time believing that it will gain any attraction at all even if I’m consistently posting. So I just want your help or advice on what would be a good marketing strategy for me. Should I use posters, build a website, Google ads, social media ads, cooperate with influencers or other brands/businesses (even tho I doesn’t have anyone in the same genre of business)? Any advice is really helpful and it doesn’t have to be about only marketing in this case since I’ve laid out so much of my business structure

And btw I plan to only sell in my home country Sweden for the time being

  • abysmal-outfits@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I would google a GTM plan. I have used this in past and I do 1 on 1 consulting session for free so DM if you are interested. I have a template you can just use to fill out basically.

    The thing about social media is that you have to find that voice and consistently do it, there is no way around it. You have to use your voice and video, images of static product never work only on instagram but that video format is so strong right now its your best

    I would give this video a watch really good tips on this guy’s journey.

    Finally your product reminds of galaxy Lamps this website is really well made and they made a ton of sales

    Basically if you see they tik toks for it lamps&t=1700058707616

    They perform really well and it has to do with the before and after, I would influencers in your niche if its cozy style and negotiate a deal with them every purchase of order through their link on the post will earn X%

  • flyfightandgrin@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    PR guy in San Diego here. Get on the local news. Just pitch them the story about your company and how to choose lighting for your home/office.

    Next start with IG/Pinterest and TikTok. This should get people checking out your stuff. FB is for older people but I have found thousands of dollars from just talking to people and sharing photos on there.

  • michellekendly@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Great start with your acrylic lights venture! Consider a simple website for credibility, use social media ads, and explore collaborations with influencers or businesses. Engaging content and limited-time promotions can boost interest. Best of luck!