I don’t know who need to hear this but not all activities you do, makes you an entrepreneur……

If you are trying to make money in a field where 1 person out of 10000 make money you are not an entrepreneur. They are the best at what they do and you try to imitate them that is all.

My 11 years old son play hockey he is good but not a star ……. His dream is to play in the NHL one day……When he plays he is not creating a business…. even if he has a chance on 10000 to succeed …… he plays hockey.

You try to become a professional trader on forex or daytrade the stock market? You try to build an online store on facebook selling someone else’s shit. It is called a hobby not creating a business. And hobby can make some money, so if you like it why not…. But you are not an entrepreneur.

If you are in one of those network marketing shit, the person who created the thing is an entrepreneur…… you sell someone else shit…. You are a salesmen. Nothing wrong with that by the way. Just not the same label.

Please stop identifying yourself as an entrepreneur if you are not one…… it is annoying for the people who really took some risk to get where they are and are creating value on a day to day basis.

  • Inhale_water@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I believe your point is people who aren’t creating value aren’t real entrepreneurs. The irony is this post has no value. Whats the benefit of gatekeeping people from identifying as entrepreneurs? Let people be.

  • bronawi@alien.topB
    10 months ago


    Definitions from Oxford Languages

    entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnəː/ noun a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. “many entrepreneurs see potential in this market”

  • Seneschal21@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am not an Entrepreneur. I do however have a strong interest in the entrepreneurial dream. As such I still buy magazines & join social media groups such as this. It is my hope that somewhere between doing my own thing, and helping my kids prepare for any opportunities they might have, that I can give my kids a better future than what I have for a past.

  • AnonJian@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think the word has changed in meaning over time. Now, you pronounce “entrepreneur” … you is one. That’s the whole attraction: Entrepreneurship has high compatibility with fake it 'til you make it culture.

    You can call yourself anything you way. Best be able to say what that is and back it up.

    Professor Explains the Fake Entrepreneur Epidemic big fancy word – veblenian entrepreneur – but this video explains what is going on.

  • RotoruaFun@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Gatekeeping what an entrepreneur is, isn’t really in the entrepreneurial spirit. We all have to start somewhere and it’s not so black and white.

    For example, your son might become a hockey star and then as a result develop a new type of hockey gear that takes the world by storm.

    Or someone here might start with drop-shipping and then develop an innovative new program that benefits everyone in the industry.

    People need experience and encouragement to take things to the next level. But they can still identity with being an entrepreneur… even if they aren’t quite there yet.

  • SmellView42069@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s funny you said “you are a salesman” that’s what the CEO of the last company I worked at called himself. The guy founded an international oil/gas business the first time I ever met him he literally told me “I’m just a really good salesman”.