I live in a condensed affluent area with around 15 luxury apartments walking distance. I want to just focus on this area. How has your cleaning buisness been going?
I know someone who cleans rich people’s houses and it pays for their downtown condo in a very HCOL area.
I will say that maybe (but totally not sure) she was able to get those sweet gigs because she is literally like the most amicable and trustworthy person I know with an academic and work history that requires international high security clearance.
It can be a very lucrative industry if you scale it right. I’m in Wealth Management and have a few clients who own cleaning service companies. All do really well on the net profits. One scaled so big he moved into also cleaning med labs and clinics. He’s got contracts in 5 states now. He can crack a mil on the net easily but chooses to take a bit less for himself and pays all his people really well and also does yearly bonuses and contributes 20% to his W2 employees in the SEP IRA. I think his lowest paid person is at like $24/hr.
He’s successful in part BECAUSE he does right by his employees. Good employees are everything. Keep them happy and they’ll stay with you and refer other good workers
I started one back when everybody on /r/entrepreneurridealong was doing this, way back before it became a generic business subreddit. Ultimately, I sold the business to my top cleaner, because staffing was an issue and I had no passion for driving out to client sites to get my hands dirty when I needed to. You might want to consider commercial clients too, since they’re more willing to sign a contract for regular service.
Student housing is a niche and pays really well. If you want some advice for that segment, message me.
Can you “talk the talk”’ and “walk the walk” of your “target audience?”
We trust people that we know…
This is an interesting and useful question.
Started mine in February and it’s been just alright. I’m July we switched our model to being open and prospecting commercial clients but residential keeps the business afloat. Interested to see how people are gaining commercial clientele. We market by cold calling, making in person drop ins and offering free estimates but only been able to land two in that time. Also open to you all’s thoughts on the site (might revamp it during holiday break)
I have a buddy that makes 1.5mill a year with a maid service.
Her recommends it but is tired of it and kind of trying to sell it.
It’s a good business, but kind of caps at a point in a city.