Agreed, big box retailers are the main reason I wouldn’t want to continue running the business but look to liquidate and see if I can make out with a profit.
Agreed, big box retailers are the main reason I wouldn’t want to continue running the business but look to liquidate and see if I can make out with a profit.
Started mine in February and it’s been just alright. I’m July we switched our model to being open and prospecting commercial clients but residential keeps the business afloat. Interested to see how people are gaining commercial clientele. We market by cold calling, making in person drop ins and offering free estimates but only been able to land two in that time. Also open to you all’s thoughts on the site (might revamp it during holiday break)
If the juice is worth the squeeze in liquidating everything and I can come out with a profit I’ll consider it. But yes, as stated I’m not considering purchasing it to run the store, only liquidate all I can to make a potential profit.