Hello all
I own about +20 hectares of unused agriculture lands in an African country where cultivation of cannabis for export has been legalized in recent years (and I have access to another 100 hectares through family and friends) .

Reading up on cannabis laws of different countries, I now realize that even when (medical)cannabis is legal, most countries still prohibit the importation of cannabis.

Instead of going through the hassle of setting up companies in different countries and obtaining a license in each and every country, I was thinking about selling to a big distributor.

So if anyone is in this industry or has in depth knowledge, comment below or shoot me a DM if you want to stay anonymous.

  • Drdank-42@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s a toss-up. On the west coast here we’ve been saturated for years with backstock, then you have the medical market, then the gray market, and dont forget the im a legal dispensarybut ill move things out the backdoor becauseim broke and everyonecomes here for thw low peices, CO same. Florida soon to see the big business take over. Everyone is waiting for everyone else to go broke so they can get more market share. Don’t get me wrong in the right place at the right time with the right rules, and you can succeed easily. I’ve been in the business for over 30 years, and I do a lot more consulting than anything else. I have a niche that I filled with having knowledge in all aspects of the business and the way to succeed and thrive. It takes the right staff growers, etc. It’s a tricky process, being that most workers are hired without knowledge of the entire process, and if they are in a position besides labor, the business can lose a lot of money fast. Spending 10k to 20k for someone like me to hire the correct staff doing jobs they e can exceed in as well as advertising, location, branding, and hype. It’s all a puzzle few can navigate to fully put together, and I have seen countless people lose half a million and up and be stressed out constantly until it goes under. I can save people half the building costs to more than pay for 10 - 10k sessions that are hands on follow up and results. If you’re trying to grow hemp, I would find outlets first and do the math to see if it’s worth it. 5 years ago, it was here. It only lasted 2 years until everyone was doing the sa.e. and tanked the market