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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023

  • I agree. The younger generation is always so detached from the world of social communication and person to person creativity. I always try to help them understand the greater picture of business. Clients can be accumulated thru so many channels online that most people don’t emerge themselves in a situation where you can gain real world knowledge about the target market or consumers feedback and take part in the whole experience instead of targeting people’s habits thru algorithms. The world has changed and evolved so fast its hard to get ahead of the new fade, that you must create the new idea or you will always be playing catch-up and ride rhe coattails of the creativity of the bold. You have to hustle for it 💯 make it happen!

  • I love this. I agree. The term “skill” I feel has lost its attraction for the younger generation. And that includes people that are 35 and think they are old. Just wait 15 more years, and you will understand. You create wealth, unless you’re lucky and win the lottery it takes hard work and dedication to learn enough and gain valuable experience, and that’s how you build wealth… and. …security! There is so much to learn. You have to put in the work if you want it to last. Good luck, and enjoy your youth. Get real-world experience in an occupation you’re interested in and go from there. Good luck

  • Try offering help to high school students in a real-world environment and spend a few hours a week or more helping them for free to improve their lives as well. At the end, get some real-world feedback as you observe your students and how they have improved. That’s a good way to track progress and see with your own eyes if it’s a viable solution for others. Maybe ask them at the end if and how much they would pay for a subscription or class that you can create. Good luck

  • I’ve been a glass artist since 1996. Started in Seattle and moved to Oregon. I got burnt out 2010ish and now just do it to make things I want. And it’s just extra income. The good thing is it’s a skill you’ll have forever. It’s always a bounce back income. I’ve been hustling one way or another since 94. Coffee shop owner, a few other small businesses with art. It can be done, but it takes someone who can deal with the income Rollercoaster

  • I’ve been a glass artist since 1996. Started in Seattle and moved to Oregon. I got burnt out 2010ish and now just do it to make things I want. And it’s just extra income. The good thing is it’s a skill you’ll have forever. It’s always a bounce back income. I’ve been hustling one way or another since 94. Coffee shop owner, a few other small businesses with art. It can be done, but it takes someone who can deal with the income Rollercoaster

  • Drdank-42@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurI feel like a loser
    10 months ago

    It’s all good, brother. I’m 47 and ha e worked for myself since 1994 and have been rich and just got by sometimes. You’ve got a hustlers mindset, and that’s not a bad thing. My mom passed away 3 years ago tomorrow, and she made me realize that she was proud of me no matter what I did. As long as I put my all into it, she was proud. Live for yourself on your terms. Your family will eventually realize you can take care of yourself, and that will change. As far as what you do. Don’t worry about how much you make. Do something that makes you happy and eventually make it into a career. I still consider myself a hustler because I can make money in different ways. As an artist, writer, business owner, and more. Try being happy and then when the money comes. It will be that much more rewarding! Good luck 👍

  • How much would you say you would have to have in a bank to have “lambo” money? For me, it would be 350 million just in savings, another 650 million in assets, including 10 other cars I would get before a Lamborghini. But that’s a choice. I’m just curious. Some think 100k a year deserves a nice ride, others 1.5 million a year and then nice cars

  • It’s a toss-up. On the west coast here we’ve been saturated for years with backstock, then you have the medical market, then the gray market, and dont forget the im a legal dispensarybut ill move things out the backdoor becauseim broke and everyonecomes here for thw low peices, CO same. Florida soon to see the big business take over. Everyone is waiting for everyone else to go broke so they can get more market share. Don’t get me wrong in the right place at the right time with the right rules, and you can succeed easily. I’ve been in the business for over 30 years, and I do a lot more consulting than anything else. I have a niche that I filled with having knowledge in all aspects of the business and the way to succeed and thrive. It takes the right staff growers, etc. It’s a tricky process, being that most workers are hired without knowledge of the entire process, and if they are in a position besides labor, the business can lose a lot of money fast. Spending 10k to 20k for someone like me to hire the correct staff doing jobs they e can exceed in as well as advertising, location, branding, and hype. It’s all a puzzle few can navigate to fully put together, and I have seen countless people lose half a million and up and be stressed out constantly until it goes under. I can save people half the building costs to more than pay for 10 - 10k sessions that are hands on follow up and results. If you’re trying to grow hemp, I would find outlets first and do the math to see if it’s worth it. 5 years ago, it was here. It only lasted 2 years until everyone was doing the sa.e. and tanked the market

  • If you’re trying to grow hemp with no thc then there is a market but as far as the American market, it’s way to saturated to be importing to America but there is a market for it around the globe. What are you trying to do as far as what you are planning on growing and for what products you are interested in producing? Or are you just interested in producing the raw material? I have extensive experience and knowledge in the America market and laws.