So I’ve had a newer hire for a few months. Lisa seemed fine in the beginning but then I noticed weird occurrences between her and my employees.

Certain things they did was not okay - once I was texting employee A about tasks. And I threw in a mention about Lisa splitting x tasks with them. And put it in the same message to make it easier — and I got a response back basically saying Lisa was doing all the work today …. Later to find out that Lisa saw employee As phone and responded back as them.

Mind you it was nothing malicious, just straight talking about tasks —- I sort of ignored that red flag and wish I didn’t

But now I’ve had 5 employees, all super great employees, dependable, have been there for a long time —- all come forward and share different experiences about working with Lisa.

Lisa is nice, albeit a little quirky, and never acts certain ways in front of me. I have seen her talk rudely to customers though —-

So I’m at a point where I just think she doesn’t fit in with the team and want to let her go. I am in an at will state —-

But what I’m questioning is do I try to let her know // give her a chance to rebuttal or change attitude. Or just let her go and that be that.

  • ShakurInvest@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I would do a 360 peer review and record calls going forward so you can track areas before making assumptions and firing. You’ll have HR case on your hands if you suddenly just fire. Understand that everything has a process.

  • Human_Ad_7045@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You let things go too far and too much based on her giving attitude to a customer.

    That was the point she should have been let go.

    You’re obviously uncomfortable w/her and her situations.

    Since another day or 2 shouldn’t materially affect your business, pull her aside as say:

    I want to address your work based on some observations that must change immediately: 1)giving attitude to customers, 2)XXX 3)XXX. If these behaviors don’t change/improve immediately, I’ll have no choice but to let you go.

    I have a hunch she’ll be gone within 3 days.

  • saholden87@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Fire her. “Business is slow… it’s not working out”. Same day document what other employees said. If it’s say day they will be wrapped in the drama and over share. Do it after she is gone … so they don’t think they were the culprit. It might also help you realize it was the right thing to do.

  • ourldyofnoassumption@alien.topB
    10 months ago
    1. You document everything Lisa has done in case you need to refer to it. 1A. You change all of Lisa’s passwords and terminate her access to everything.

    2. You tell Lisa, without an apology that she is immediately terminated and her benefits (if any) will be paid out.

    3. You do not tell her why not do you apologize.

    4. You thank you staff for their candor and let them know you have an open position. 4A. You get them each a Starbucks card or something to thank them for looking out for you.