I run a marketing agency and I’ve hired multiple lead generation agencies and freelancers (all targeting different verticals) to help us generate leads.

Qualified leadflow has been our biggest challenge. My lead gen partners are saying it will take between 2-4 weeks to start pulling leads. They’ve all just started with us.

On our end we’ve optimized everything we can. Case studies, presentations, landing pages, product, etc.

There’s nothing more left for us to do but wait.

In the meantime there’s only some minor fulfilment work left for pre-existing clients.

I’ve always hustled to get sales, and to sit there and wait feels like hoping the problem will resolve itself which is never good policy.

Successful agency owners/entrepreneurs what are your thoughts on this?

  • DotPotential4057@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If you have determined who your best prospects are then you can do the following - host seminars/webinars/teleseminars for free and lead generate by yourself as well while you wait. Seminars are the highest converting ones. To lead generate that, call up list brokers or people who own media/newsletters/magazines where your best prospecrs lie and either rent a list or ask them to send a letter of your own crafting to their subscribers in exchange for % of profits from every sale you get through them. To entice people to come on your seminar/webinar/teleseminar use a powerful lead magnet that would be of extremely high interest to your best prospects - i.e. if real estate agents are your prospects “Get more clients by working less hours”…

    Or, you can create a big beautiful box of stuff that includes free reports, testimonials, case studies, personalised trinkets, and more, and mail that physical box to your best prospects with the inclusion of a sales letter and a preface letter. Its guaranteed to be read since nobody ever has sent them a big box of stuff, especially if it includes a personlised trinket. A great preface letter you can copy is Gary Halberts 1 dollar bill letter.

    Why lead generate while you are paying people to do that for you? Because you can correctly assess and determine whether their efforts produce good results or if they are below satisfactory and it may perhaps be that your own efforts yield much better results.

    On to other things. If you havent, you should begin developing a thorough backend. This includes other offers/products/services you can upsell to your clients. One easy one is a physical newsletter. Once you acquire themcas clients, you can then upsell them on a subscription to a newsletter. What that newsletter should be? The answer is in whoever you best prospects are and what commonalities, pains, interests, problems and so on, they all share… other things in the backend include also developing retention models. Just because you deliver results doenst mean they will keep you as a client. With this in mind, consider figuring out how to keep your clients from leaving and then implementing that whilst you have them. Furthermore, as your list of clients will grow, you will want to figure out where and to whom you can rent your own list out to. This will yield extra profits. Also, develop informational products and partner up with other folk to sell those informational products, or coaching or consulting.

    These are a few things you can do whilst you wait.

  • ManicSheogorath@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I’m a partner at a marketing agency. Our bread and butter is our client retention. They’ve stayed with us for long periods of time and we occasionally get referrals from them. Some of our clients have been with us for over 30 years. There’s a level of partnership that must be achieved to retain clients for that long. You must provide value to them. Real value, not skin-deep superficial value, but hard-hitting conversions.

    Agency work is tough. There are daily challenges and you’ll always be having to reinvent yourself with clients. Just yesterday I had to explain how SEO works and how people don’t always start at the home page when visiting a website. This type of stuff can be very, very time consuming and not always billable.

    I’m curious to know how those lead suppliers work for you. I get emails from them every single day. We actually have our own B2B lead database subscription that we utilize for clients, we haven’t tried using it for ourselves, but it’s always been an option.

    We are constantly swinging between wanting business growth, yet being too busy with the day-to-day to pick up the phone and put in the work to call leads. It’s an issue that will not be resolved soon. But it’s not a dire need at the moment