Hi everyone, I’ve finished my landing page for my Design as a Service product for SaaS companies. I’d really like some feedback so here’s the link: https://www.tajen.studio/. This is the first iteration of the page and I really tried not to overcomplicate things as I have a terrible habit of being too much of a perfectionist. So I always try to think of the quote: "Perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control.”

I’d like to know:

  • If my value proposition is clear
  • If you’re a SaaS company, is this a service you might consider? If not, could you elaborate on why not?
  • general comments on what you like and don’t like about the page

If you’re familiar with DesignJoy, then you’ve seen this model before. I’ve done a few things differently such as niching down (SaaS companies), only taking a set number of clients at a time, and actually doing some meetings (I like getting to know the clients, it seems more personal!).

Thank you for reading this and for your time if you do provide feedback!

  • KnightZeroFoxGiven@alien.topB
    1 年前

    URL is bad. Just be tajen.studio. If you’re not a .com, which is fine, don’t use www. People associate .com directly with www still and it confuses them.

  • CompanyCraft@alien.topB
    1 年前

    Congrats on getting started! A couple of notes:

    -The font in your hero title is too “fancy” and slowed my eyes down (in a bad way, had to read it twice). I’d go with something simpler

    -I don’t think many people will pay you £2k/mo without some strong social proof. I’d suggest getting 5-10 clients at any pricepoint that will write testimonials you can then put near the top of the page to show that the work you do is legit. Then you can charge £2k/mo.

  • darn_design@alien.topB
    1 年前

    I think this order would be better:
    why (I would consider to show your projects, hero section) → what (SERVICES) → how (Process) → how much (prices) → benefits and FAQ.

  • Jack4608@alien.topB
    1 年前

    I like the design but am by no means a proffesional but wanted to let you know there’s an error on mobile. The First two buttons get cut off by the contact form I have pm you a photo on IPhone 14 pro. Happy to check it again to see if it’s fixed if you want at any point

  • Cousin-Jack@alien.topB
    1 年前

    Sorry, but I wouldn’t trust this company.

    It claims to be a limited company but doesn’t seem to be listed on company house.

    On one page it says it’s based in Milton Keynes, on another London.

    There are no contact details at all other than an email address.

    It’s even storing Google Analytics cookies on my device without a banner which is basically illegal.

    Major alarm bells. Before I’d even look at what you offer, I’d need to trust your business.

    • sausageroll5000@alien.topOPB
      1 年前

      Thanks for your feedback! Ah, it is a bit of a mess. Thank you for pointing those out. Tajen Studio hasn’t started trading yet so the terms & conditions page was there for when I launched and registered as a limited company. The idea of this post was just to validate the idea of whether a design subscription service would actually be useful to my target companies and to see if what I’m offering is clear. But I do understand how that creates a sense of mistrust. I’ll look into the GA and cookies issue, I’m still new to front-end dev so I didn’t know this. Thank you again for the feedback. Really useful stuff.

  • CaptainAdam231@alien.topB
    1 年前

    Design is great! “Your design needs taken care of for less than the cost and hassle of hiring a full-time designer” is kind of complicated and took me a moment to get. It’s in a passive voice. Consider: “We can take of your design for less than the cost and hassle of hiring a full-time designer.”

    • sausageroll5000@alien.topOPB
      1 年前

      Thank you for the feedback :) Based on feedback from others too, the hero section does need some work. I’ll add this to the list!

  • otakudayo@alien.topB
    1 年前

    I’m not a saas company.

    Here are some thoughts I had.

    Where are the pictures?

    Who are you? This is sort of revealed in your FAQ section, which is the wrong place for it. Most visitors will never even scroll that far down, let alone open up the accordion. And those who do are rewarded with much too little ifnormation. You are the core of your product/service but all I can learn about you, is your name.

    I don’t really understand how this works. Why do I need to pay you monthly to get a design made? Why would I choose you over finding someone on upwork who can make me a design for a one time payment of $250? Why would I keep you on for months instead of getting a consultant designer?

    Why do I need to go to figma to see more of your work?

    Why do I need to go to some other website to book an appointment?

    Your ATF content is… I don’t know. A bit too busy? You’re squeezing in the features of your service in the hero, instead of using the hero to hook them in and then show the features next.

    I’m not a fan of your font. It’s not bad, but it’s not great. I’m not really sure what you’re going for, but your primary information delivery method is text, so make it as easy as possible to read.

    • sausageroll5000@alien.topOPB
      1 年前

      Hey, thanks for your feedback! I’ll try to make it more personal so that potential clients know who they are working with, after all, they would be trusting me with a big part of their business.

      So how it works is that you pay a monthly fee (you’re not tied into a contract, so you can cancel or pause it anytime), and you can get as many designs as you can fit in that month and cancel/pause if you have no more work or continue if there is more ongoing design work.

      As with the freelancer/Upwork, you have to actually go and find this freelancer to do the design for $250. So that means posting a job, going through the proposals, and if you’re lucky, the freelancer is available straight away. The project is fixed price so the designer will likely have a set amount of revision rounds they are willing to do. What happens if, after those revisions, you’re not happy with the results? What if the project scope changes? You’re then left either increasing the price of the project to accommodate these or finding a new freelancer who might be able to do the job properly. In this situation, your time and money were wasted. Another situation is, say in a few weeks, you have more design work needed, and you go back to the same freelancer, they can come back to you saying they are unavailable. A design subscription offers reliability so that, when you have more work, you can resume your subscription and get work done straight away.

      I’m unsure what you mean by a consultant designer (is this a full-time designer?), so I’ll answer this once I get more clarification.

      With the Figma and Calendly links, I wanted to this site out as soon as possible, so although these are not ideal, they do the job and have saved me time instead of creating separate case study pages (which are coming) and integrating appointment booking functionality within the site.

      This is getting super long now, but thank you for your feedback again and I’ll consider it all carefully! :)

      • otakudayo@alien.topB
        1 年前

        I’m not actually asking those questions, those are just the thoughts I had. If you feel like any of what I said is irrelevant, well, you know your business model and market better than me.

        A consultant designer is like a consultant developer. An external resource you hire who bills for the hours spent. So if you’re charging £2k monthly, and according to you a designer in your market is £45 per hour, that means I could get ~40 hours of design work for the same cost.

  • zubiii333@alien.topB
    1 年前

    For starters, this is impressive but should work more on contents to make it more trustworthy and professional. Nice design tho.