This to those who are based in the bay area in california. What is the food situation like? I assume money is super tight and u wanna save any and all the money and time u can so does it all just consist of ordering food and thats it? I assume cooking food cooks too long so is everyone just forced to eat unhealthy doordash food everyday? Or perhaps its worse than than and u literally have to chain yourself to ramen noodles and hotdogs everyday. How healthy can you eat? I would like to work hard on my startup without fucking up my body the most.

TLDR, I wanna eat healthy so do people normally eat? Is maintaining health even possible?

  • anonperson2021@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Why should your doordash order be unhealthy? Especially in the bay area. Lots of salads, and greek food that comes with a mix of protein, veggies and light carbs, lots of soups…

    Cooking also doesn’t need to take too long. Learn some quick recipes. An oven, an air fryer and an instant pot, you’re golden.

    Stock the fridge with fruit cups, low-fat string-cheese and hummus packs from Trader Joes.