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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023

  • If you are selling physical products without publishing written content, it will be nearly impossible to get any good ranking in search engines by having more backlinks. Backlinks are also only worth it if they come from big sites that actually publish content related to your products. Getting them is possible in theory - by reaching out to them - but to get them to link to your products, your products need to be valuable for their audience, which is hard.

    That said, your post is not specific enough to give any good advice.

  • theMonetist@alien.topBtoSmall BusinessSmall business ideas
    10 months ago

    Go to YouTube and check the top banner of your homepage; now you know your interests. Rank them, make a list of how likely it is that you can achieve your financial goals with these interests, then buy books, find content creators, and learn about each interest for one month.

    Start a business based on the interest that still excites you after one month

  • I’ve been through similar struggles and tried a bunch of things to get it sorted. Here’s what worked for me:

    - Planning my day in advance, like the night before and setting goals for the week. This way I don’t have to scramble to figure out what to do each day.

    - Keeping my daily to-do list short. Best case, I just have one big thing to tackle and that’s it. It stops stops me from feeling like I’m not getting stuff done (before, I’d jam my to-do list and then get overwhelmed because I didn’t think about how long things actually take).

    - Journaling. I know, it sounds kinda basic, but it really helps me see what I did right and why I put things off/procrastinate sometimes.

    - Nutrition. I stick to protein heavy diet especially during work hours. Keeps me from crashing mid-day.

    - Taking a nap. It’s a game-changer because I can keep my focus for longer.

    - No alarm clock. Waking up naturally makes it way easier to get through the day. Even if I sleep in a bit, I end up working better and more focused later.

    - Going for two walks a day, like one about 6 hours after I wake up and another when I’m done working, before journaling. Helps to reflect and reset my brain.

    I’ve got days where I don’t have a big task too obv. They’re not super productive, but they’re important for sorting out stuff like bills, phone calls, emails, and random todo’s.