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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • I do! It took a few years to really start becoming profitable because there is a lot of investing and re-investing in those first 1-2 years.

    • The biggest struggle was managing cash flow- they’re high expense businesses at the end of the day and some months can be a struggle especially if you have employees. Learning to predict/forecast figures and set sales goals is important.

    • Real profitability took nearly 2 years and it was only after seeing a full year of accounts that we were able to understand the TRUE business expenses- only then were able to properly price products for profit (there are often expenses that are forgotten or not fully understood in the beginning)

    • Best advice I can give is to really focus on your numbers. I always recommend people pay themselves like employees and use that as a baseline for sale goals (i.e: I want to pay myself a wage of X, which means generating X revenue per month including all other expenses.)

    • Your first hire should be an accountant- product businesses have way too much going on to try and DIY.

    • Influencers and content creators are your best friends when it comes to marketing your products!

    We’re nearly 5 years in and generating 7 figures/year. We really only just started paying ourselves a very good wage after 3 years- before that it was basically minimum wage- it was a grind.