That’s another important point to consider as well. I do think however, there are some artists out there who are not leveraging all possible resources as well, however.
This is the key difference I think. Any business can be successful, it just depends on how much you’re willing to do for it, and I feel like that musician has really got it together!
These are some really great points you’ve made . Just the ways of monetization you’ve mentioned alone are great ways for them to make money off of their work. I agree that more often than not, they do avoid the actual business side, which I understand because they’d rather focus on the creative aspect, but for it to be sustainable business skills are just as important
I noticed when it comes to comics, people are more interested in being cool merch for characters they love, and if they love them enough they’d be willing to buy books of them . Amazon has self publishing as well.
Learning to embrace failure is probably one of the hardest things to learn
Nintendolabo. I really didn’t expect anyone to buy it to be honest. But hey, it worked.
That is true, it is still a job even if it’s a creative path. Professionalism is an important skill, that isn’t emphasized enough.