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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • As someone who has been in the b2b SaaS space forever - it’s a very common problem. When I joined my current company a year ago, we were having pretty similar issues: at least 50 percent of no shows which was annoying.

    A few things to keep in mind:

    1. Are all of your customers in a similar geographic location? It may be the case that your Calendly (or whatever you’re using, btw, you’re using some calendar booking tool, right?) time slots are very inconvenient. We’ve implemented better routing based on the regions and yet people from Australia are still causing us troubles with it 😅

    2. Is the CTA Schedule a demo? - if yes, there are 2 things you can do.

    2.1 send an immediate follow up email showing your excitement to meet them as well as information on how your company helps other businesses to 10x their results or send a loom link to a 90 second demo with some kind of hook.

    2.2. Redirect them to a thank you page, that has a 90 second demo/your personal video/testimonial, etc.

    A/B test the shit out of it.

    1. It may be worth it sending text reminders by making the phone field required.

    2. Have a killer 3-5 email sequence to reactivate these leads.

    After a year of trial and error with the steps above we were able to reduce no shows from 50 to about 14 percent.