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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • JohnWasElwood@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurhow can i become rich?
    10 months ago

    Provide a service that people dont want to, or cant do themselves. Do a great job at it and reward your customers for referring you to others. I have a cousin who is a multimillionaire who started by picking up items that the garbage man wouldn’t and taking them to the dump or scrap yard for them. Refrigerators, scrap metal, excess building materials, etc. Eventually bought a small trailer and hauled bigger and bigger items. A few times he’d sell what he had picked up to other people instead of paying to dump it at the landfill. 1) cleaned out a house full of furniture after the elderly people passed away and their kids didn’t want any of the antique furniture that was in it. He loaded it on his truck and trailer and found an antique store who would buy everything from him. So, he got paid for hauling it away and got paid for delivering it to an antique store. 2) there was a small computer repair company in his town that was going out of business and the man paid him to pick up two loads of old computers and parts and tools. He was on the phone for an hour or two but eventually found a company who would buy everything for a very low price. Again, got paid for picking it up and got paid for dropping it off. His son worked his way through college by going into the country club neighborhood and scooping up the dog poop out of the yard and putting it in plastic bags and taking it away. He was charging something like $10 or $15 per visit to their house. He would stop by there every single day on his way to or from class. After he got about 25 or 30 customers he could easily drive around and pick up dog poop on his way to or from class and simply throw it in the trash at the University dumpsters. The rich people were bragging about being able to pay someone to scoop up the dog poop out of their yard. Not kidding!

  • There’s a big " it depends!". I no more than my share of rich people. Some of the nicest are the ones who started with nothing and worked their way up and busted their ass for years and years to finally make it. Some of the biggest rich assholes that I’ve ever met were the ones who came by it easily, either by daddy’s money or by a windfall profit that didn’t they didn’t really work to earn it. But the best advice that I can give you whether you are talking to a rich person or a poor person is to take a step back and look at their life. If they’re giving you advice and their life is a train wreck into a plane crash then as my (hard-working, self-made multi-millionaire) uncle would say, “take two steps backwards turn and run as fast as you can!”. It’s worked for me!