I’m starting to realize that to get rich, one needs to hang out with rich people but I’m not sure where to meet them. The only places I can think of are Silicon Valley and New York (no I don’t know where in New York they are).

Why have rich friends?

  • If they didn’t make the money themselves, they at least know people who did can learn from them
  • They’re the ideal customer because they can pay more for the same product
  • JohnWasElwood@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    There’s a big " it depends!". I no more than my share of rich people. Some of the nicest are the ones who started with nothing and worked their way up and busted their ass for years and years to finally make it. Some of the biggest rich assholes that I’ve ever met were the ones who came by it easily, either by daddy’s money or by a windfall profit that didn’t they didn’t really work to earn it. But the best advice that I can give you whether you are talking to a rich person or a poor person is to take a step back and look at their life. If they’re giving you advice and their life is a train wreck into a plane crash then as my (hard-working, self-made multi-millionaire) uncle would say, “take two steps backwards turn and run as fast as you can!”. It’s worked for me!