I think you lack persistence. Not to sound harsh, but shit happens. Only a minor few will succeed in business, because shit always happens and most give up too early. You’ve given up only after two rounds of adversities, doesn’t seem like you’re committed at all. The project didn’t even launch so you’ve given up before day one.
There were a couple of cases I’ve given up the projects in short time, I’m not perfect myself. But most of the time I stuck with the projects for years, or at least months. Don’t quit too early. Quitting is always easy. If you quit easily, better to stick to a niche or a stable job.
You could go to upwork.com. I hired plenty of freelancers that completed the projects.
As someone who owns a restaurant cafe business, my advice is don’t do it. 6 months in still losing money, even when you assume it’s successful, things may change so fast. One day competitors open next to you, and the game changes immediately.