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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • I think for #1 and #2 above you are missing the value of open source and alternatives. OpenAI is currently really good, but…

    You have LLama 2, Falcon, Mistral, and others that are open source and that you can go download today, for free and use commercially. So, your prompt engineering will likely work for them as well with only minor adaptations.

    You will also have closed versions that will be much more productized. MSFT, GOOG, Amazon, Anthropic, etc are all working on theirs and they will certainly have API calls as well.

    So, there will be less OpenAI dependence in the future.

  • IntolerantModerate@alien.topBtoStartupsHow important is idea?
    10 months ago

    The idea is obviously somewhat important for a number of reasons:

    1. If the idea is for a space that is too small, even with success you are going to be highly constrained
    2. If the idea is one that is going to require tremendous resources to execute on you are unlikely to have a serious chance (e.g., you have no chance of building a competitor to Boeing)
    3. If the idea is an obviously bad idea, then that is important.

    So, clearly the idea is important.

    When Sam say’s he doesn’t see pivoting to success, in many (most?) cases this is likely true. You start on an idea, raise funding, build more, figure out it isn’t working and then… you have blown through all your money and can’t raise more or you realize that you need to pivot into a crowded area or you realize you don’t have the skills to pivot, so you disband before their can be any successful pivot. And of course there is the definition of what is a pivot… How much do you rotate before it is a pivot?

    Going from say a CRM to a two-sided marketplace platform, for example, is a much smaller pivot than say a CRM to a TikTok competitor.

  • Whenever asking for salary adjustments what you should make a list of your accomplishments since last time and how they have contributed to the company success. Be as specific as possible with what your contribution was.

    You want them to realize that spending $100k on you makes them 5x that much.

    Also, maybe document inflation as well if they haven’t adjusted for that in a while.

  • There are still many simple apps to be built, but they are more niche and often require a deep understanding of the business domain.

    For example I launched a basic crud app that got to $100k/year in revenue. The key is finding a problem that many people still tackle in excel and then turn it into a SaaS app.

    For example, in the industry I worked in people have to do safety report and rules checks. These were always done on paper, then typed into excel, and then moved into a DB. We just made simple form where user selects the rule, makes a note on it, hits submit. boss required 50 rule checks a day, so we added a counter that showed them 1/50, 2/50, etc.

    Whole thing was built in less than a month. So, they are out there, but you need to know that customer really well.