No more that $50. $15-20 would be the sweet spot. You would also need to add additional features. I’ve offered something similar to clients who I did marketing for, most are too focused on the business to care and will “get to it when they can.” brightlocal is priced around there but offers way more tools around SEO.
What business are you shadowing?
Marketing and sales will serve you well. If you want to run your own operation, driving traffic and converting traffic to dollars are going to be the core of your operations outside of delivering the service. If his business has been around for a while, look at ways you can improve his processes and systems. Is he taking orders and invoices on paper? Get invoicing software. Does he spend 2-3 hours doing the same repetitive tasks? Automate it. Is he an expert in something valuable? Create videos around it and start a channel. Is he documenting expenses in a journal? Get a bookkeeping software and do it yourself. Tons of opportunities to learn skills you’ll need when you start your own thing