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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • It happens in endless industries.

    I once met a guy in his 20’s at an event, dressed in summer clothes in the middle of a brutally cold winter at night for some reason, who told me within the space of 15 minutes he was both a “life coach” who taught other life coaches to that he was collecting unemployment benefit.

    I’m not sure what type of life experience he had to share but I wasn’t interested in hearing it.

  • I think there are legit coaches who have acheived success in whatever field and then realise they are better skilled at the teaching aspect AND (and this is the big one) can make more money coaching the 100s / 1000s / millions / whatever of people out there who want to learn the skill than they can by just doing the skill / business themselves.

    Think about it, if you do the skill / business / whatever yourself you’re limited to your own resources, time, money, team etc but if you then document your knowledge and skills into a course or membership etc you just have to create that once then can sell it infinitely without having to constantly put all the work back into it, so it does kinda make sense in some instances.

  • Although less popular and in less abundance than they once were local print newspapers are still a thing here in my country, there’s definitely at least 1 paid newspaper that is released daily here and perhaps a weekend one too (also paid).

    Is your local one a paid or free one?

    Sometimes these free ones can make a killing by allowing local businesses to advertise or collect leads or offer discount coupons which in turn brings in business through their doors, it can probably be quite lucrative if you keep overheads and staff low.

  • Talking about the “pet psychic” one, although it’s bizarre to me, I am not that surprised because anything pet wise seems to do well.

    There’s so many pet owners who will literally spend money on anything / do anything for their pets.

    Here’s another random example I saw a while back and couldn’t believe how popular they were…

    Dog DNA Tests!!

    There’s endless companies on Google offering it which just makes no sense to me at all because why would anyone care about the DNA history of their dog, but hey I’m a cat person so maybe I just don’t get it but I certainly wouldn’t order one for my cat either!

    But it’s the monthly search volume that blew my mind…

    “Dog DNA tests” alone has over 110,000 searches p/m on Google and that’s not including all the other related keywords.

    And according to NicheNirvana there’s 2 affiliate programs on the ShareASale network that are paying EPCs (Earnings Per Click) of between $25-$62 which means this must be a pretty lucrative affiliate niche with people spending a lot of money on test kits.

    Plus it must be a business with good margins as looks like both the companies listed on ShareASale (EmbarkVet and BasePaws) are only selling the kits for between $89-$100 roughly so they must be getting a lot of repeat customer, upsells and / or subscriptions to be paying affiliates $25-$62 EPCs.