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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • Maybe do a video mail showing how your product can solve the problem you’re claiming it solves and make a legitimate bid for their business after the fact?

    “You’re probably wondering blah blah blah and we have custom tailored a solution just for you, so you can increase/optimize/delegate/w.e. your operation. Here’s one way that we’ve helped many people scale and optimize their process……” QUICK clip of solving the problem, or a few testimonials of people using the tool and sharing how it helped them (can find the testers/reviews on LinkedIn within your target market).

    Give those who test your tools a free 3-6 months of the tool and make an offer at the end of the clip like “use code HELPMENOW within 24 hours of receiving this email for an unbeatable price on our tool.”

    Idk just need to get creative with what you’re doing.

  • CodaDev@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurAccepting Risk
    10 months ago

    Have you read the book “Untethered Soul”? Would highly recommend.

    The key thought for me was that I make my hiring decisions based on what the person brings to the company compared to what they cost. If they are an expense and create no margin within the business for streamlining a pain point or generating extra revenue, I don’t hire them. When the person brings something to the business, then I have a number. If they cost 80% of what they generate, I take them. If they fail to generate or execute, I fire them and find the person that will.

    So to say, my employees are dollars on discount. Why? Because they generate $1 and cost $0.80.

    I know there’s plenty of people who follow this methodology and, if you’re corporate, odds are you’re getting a discount on your value and it’s probably even more aggressive than that. So, you know people are willing to pay you as much as you’re getting on discount. So what are you worth when you give it 110% for yourself instead? Only question then becomes “how do I get the clients who will pay what I’m worth?” The answer to that is sales and marketing (which you can hire out if you’re bad).

    You’ll likely lose a bit on HHI for a little while, but I think you owe it to yourself to at least give it an honest shot.

  • My first business, I was doing $1.2m/yr but only taking home about $40-60k/yr. This was like 2017 and I’ve just about 20x’d the numbers (besides the income part).

    Call me a weirdo, but I think good employees are worth their weight in gold. Simply put, why would I take $1m and pay a key employee $100k when while expecting them to do all the work while I’m off in Tahiti somewhere. So I pay myself based on what I do and assign “partners” to individual departments who I’ll then work with to manage key employees, who then manage the boots on the ground folks. It’s not the “take the most home” business model, but it’s done very well for me and my business - including reputation.

    I also only hire through word of mouth referrals. It will likely remain this way until I sell or decide to maybe franchise (probably won’t happen but w/e idk wtf I’m doing).

  • CodaDev@alien.topBtoEntrepreneurWhat are you doing?!
    10 months ago
    1. Guys want girls touching them.
    2. Girls want girls touching them.
    3. Guys want girls to touch their girls.
    4. Girls want guys to touch their guys.

    You’re marketing to 25% of the market. If you’re getting booked at 25% of the rate that your wife is, you’re doing fine.

    Ok maybe I’m skipping a whole demographic here, but it’s a relatively small population - especially in the conservative states.